When I turned 65 two years ago, I had to sign up at the local Social Security Office to register for Medicare. I took plan B, mainly because my Insurance Carier at my Shop told me that if I did not, they would raise my rates. Fair enough, it's only about $98 a month.
But yesterday I got a nasty little letter from Social Security saying I owed them $5200 in back "contributions" and penalties.
What the fuck!! It turns out that since I did not retire, and continue to work, the "adjusted" my Medicare contribution to suite my taxable income from 2012. If you make over a certain amount, you have to pay more, even though the benefits are the same as anyone else.
Here is the adjustment table
This is a fuckin scam. It's bad enough you have to pay a higher tax rate, and you have to pay the maximum into Social Security. Now, for no other reason than I Turned 65 two years ago, and continue to work, they force me to pay at the very top for Medicare, which I have not even used once since I signed up.
This irks the shit out of me. Sorry ass fuckers.