Have they 'gone broke' though?

DNinja69's Avatar
It makes for an easy comeback.. but what does it really mean?


Recently I have seen some posts using this phrase and when the subject of persecuting gay people is raised they say 'oh no it aint about that' so I am interested in hearing what WOKE means to people who use it as a descriptor but are not referring to issues within the queer community.

My bigger question is who went broke going woke? The current beer boycott has not resulted in any real losses for InBev and overall seems to have had a positive effect on other brands who celebrate PRIDE openly. I just can't think of any big company or corporate entity that suffered such a fate.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Bed Bath & Beyond.
What WAS the #1 selling light beer last year? How about this year?
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump Airlines
winn dixie's Avatar
My pillow guy.

Although his pillows were very good.

But he is a nut
Jacuzzme's Avatar
His pillows are uncomfortable garbage. For best results, stay at a Four Seasons and steal the pillows. They’re fabulous.
DNinja69's Avatar
Bed Bath Beyond certainly did go broke. Their financial management team won't be winning any awards. A large scale stock buy-back effort that backfires is usually a very ugly result.

Anyone have an idea what WOKE actually means? If you 'go broke' from it then we need to establish what it is before being able to determine whether it was a factor in the downfall of a company.

My Pillow seems to have gone broke. Was that a result of being Woke?
His pillows are uncomfortable garbage. For best results, stay at a Four Seasons and steal the pillows. They’re fabulous. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I like the way you think, lol.
matchingmole's Avatar
Bed Bath Beyond certainly did go broke. Their financial management team won't be winning any awards. A large scale stock buy-back effort that backfires is usually a very ugly result.

Anyone have an idea what WOKE actually means? If you 'go broke' from it then we need to establish what it is before being able to determine whether it was a factor in the downfall of a company.

My Pillow seems to have gone broke. Was that a result of being Woke? Originally Posted by DNinja69
My Pillow went broke because the CEO is a joke
DNinja69's Avatar
My Pillow went broke because the CEO is a joke Originally Posted by matchingmole
His 'prove Mike wrong' contest and the legal aftermath of that fiasco will cost him millions. He says it is cancel culture. Who knows maybe his story will be made into a movie and become a Tiger King kind of event.

I continue to find it ironic that for all the 'go woke go broke' chants we see when you ask people to expand on the idea its crickets.
winn dixie's Avatar
D I s n e y

Has lost millions being woke
DNinja69's Avatar
D I s n e y

Has lost millions being woke Originally Posted by winn dixie
This is a popular comment but the saying is 'go woke go broke' and last I saw Disney ranks near the top in a lot of entertainment and broadcasting categories. The economy is awful and a lot of big companies are experiencing less growth or even decline as a result. Still nobody offering details on what 'woke' actually means and 'go broke' to me isn't a little off the profit peak it indicates long term decline of some significant proportion.

If McDonald's gets a sales spike when they brink back the McRib that doesn't equate to fake rib meat sandwiches being the key to restaurant growth. Disney seems to be doing just fine they own more media companies that anyone else it seems. They are not high on my personal list so I get why some people are upset but it just doesn't seem to have much impact.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
This is a popular comment but the saying is 'go woke go broke' .. Originally Posted by DNinja69
The saying is not "Go woke, Gone broke". It's a process, colloquially known as a death spiral and it's fun to watch. For example: I wonder what all is for sale these days at the Disney garage sale.
how 'bout the city by the bay going broke

and being anti-woke isnt to persecute anyone - that is about the worlds biggest straw man ever

woke is radical progressive activism and anti-americanism and a belief that racism is found in every system (i. e. systemic)

woke is not enforcing laws

its equal outcomes instead of equality

its a belief in and provision for groups and not in individuals

its discrimination

its esg which is forcing one sided politics into investing decisions

it is radicalism and zealotry against the oil and gas industry

its anti-free speech

it is indoctrination and mind-warping

it is redefining words in an orwellian fashion

woke is things like this, canceling opinions that are different than what you FEEL:

Esteemed physicist Dr. John Clauser, who holds multiple degrees from the California Institute of Technology and Columbia University, won Nobel Prize in Physics in 2022.

As a scientific expert, Clauser does not believe there is a man-made global warming crisis. This doesn’t sit well with left-wing climate activists.

“I don’t believe there is a climate crisis,” Clauser explained. “The world we live in today is filled with misinformation. It is up to each of you to serve as judges, distinguishing truth from falsehood based on accurate observations of phenomena.”

“In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis,” Dr. Clauser continued. “There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world’s large population and an associated energy crisis. The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science.”

Those who deny global warming often face extreme ridicule and are subject to censorship and “cancelation.” In 2022, a peer-reviewed study from climate experts was published showing several unsubstantiated claims about “apocalyptic” climate change appearing in the mainstream media.

there is more i imagine
DNinja69's Avatar
The saying is not "Go woke, Gone broke". It's a process, colloquially known as a death spiral and it's fun to watch. For example: I wonder what all is for sale these days at the Disney garage sale. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Still no comment on what 'woke' means but another hard hitting concept for 'go broke' sound serious a 'death spiral' though companies mentioned (Gillette, InBev, Disney, etc) are doing quite well with no indication going forward that continued large scale success is expected.

A lot of energy and effort is being expended in the effort of 'making them pay' for this 'woke' thing with very little actual result
DNinja69's Avatar
how 'bout the city by the bay going broke

and being anti-woke isnt to persecute anyone - that is about the worlds biggest straw man ever

woke is radical progressive activism and anti-americanism and a belief that racism is found in every system (i. e. systemic)

woke is not enforcing laws

its equal outcomes instead of equality

its a belief in and provision for groups and not in individuals

its discrimination

its esg which is forcing one sided politics into investing decisions

it is radicalism and zealotry against the oil and gas industry

its anti-free speech

it is indoctrination and mind-warping

it is redefining words in an orwellian fashion

woke is things like this, canceling opinions that are different than what you FEEL:

Esteemed physicist Dr. John Clauser, who holds multiple degrees from the California Institute of Technology and Columbia University, won Nobel Prize in Physics in 2022.

As a scientific expert, Clauser does not believe there is a man-made global warming crisis. This doesn’t sit well with left-wing climate activists.

“I don’t believe there is a climate crisis,” Clauser explained. “The world we live in today is filled with misinformation. It is up to each of you to serve as judges, distinguishing truth from falsehood based on accurate observations of phenomena.”

“In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis,” Dr. Clauser continued. “There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world’s large population and an associated energy crisis. The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science.”

Those who deny global warming often face extreme ridicule and are subject to censorship and “cancelation.” In 2022, a peer-reviewed study from climate experts was published showing several unsubstantiated claims about “apocalyptic” climate change appearing in the mainstream media.

there is more i imagine Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

A breath of fresh air. Thank you for the thoughtful insight.

As for SF that involves issues of elected officials who can't be fired or relegated to less impactful roles and California in general is a financial disaster so I appreciate the mention but really can't factor it into the 'go broke' concept along with for profit entities.

You say anti-woke is not about persecution though if a majority of those who oppose anti-woke philophy feel that is a component would it not then by definition be an effort to persecute others? Not trying to draw a cirle of logic here serious question. Being shamed and persecuted is largely about the effect on those at one end of the equation and 'oh but I didnt mean to' only goes so far as an excuse.

I see mentions of discrimination, equality, free speech, and indoctrination. All important issues for sure but also areas of contention where a difference of opinion may be the root problem. One side says that expressing an ideal is information, while the side that disagrees says it is indoctrination.

Let me focus on this comment "woke is radical progressive activism and anti-americanism and a belief that racism is found in every system (i. e. systemic)"

For sure there is a component of radial ideology and I believe both sides have a duty to work against radical and fringe efforts as the purpose of government is to be for the people not just some of us. In that effort I think we need to do a lot more with regard to making space for the more moderate wants and needs of others whether we agree or not with their choices. There are some areas that require government to draw a line and say 'not beyond this' but its function isn't to think for us or enforce others views upon individuals on issues of personal choice. In fact our Constitution is quite clear on this it really isn't a debate if the idea is being true to the framework of our nation.

As for racism it exists today and must be a focus as we cannot allow people to be mistreated or have less actual rights that others based on their heritage, religion, etc. I agree there are radical efforts that are not appropriate and those exist on both sides. Elements of racism exist in other areas whether sexuality, social status, or political ideology. It does not matter if 2% or 22% of people fall into a category it is not acceptable for the other majority to squash or deny based on numbers. In a corporate setting or election 51% may well mean 'we do it this way' but that is not true for citizens trying to navigate their existence.