Ever run into someone you know from your everyday life?

Surely I'm not the only one this has happened to? After several weeks of emails and phone tag with a new provider ( I had seen body pics, but face was always obscured). We finally made it happen. It was a little awkward at first because I immidiately recognized her from somewhere in my past. I'm not going to mention where because it is irrelevant. I'm pretty sure she didn't recognize me but she has a certain feature that makes it unmistakeably her. It might have been worse if she had realized who I was, but she didn't, I did, we did, and it was fun.

Anyone else?
I've seen gents I've visited with out in public before, it's never been weird or anything. It's been just a knowing grin over a moment of locked eyes. They have always had enough sense not to approach me when I'm with my family.

Have never walked into a call and it been someone I knew and hadn't realized it.
wcdann's Avatar
Ive read a thread here a while back where a guy meets up with a provider and to both of there suprise the provider was his x wife lmao now that would be weird. Ive always been curious if anyone has ever gone to see a provider and it turning out to be their SO? If so i would love to read about what happened.
No I have not. But there are most certainly some men in my personal life that I would not mind running into. Shoot, women for that matter too. I go to school with some pretty hot guys and girls that I would absolutely love to run into during "working hours".
Mine was just someone I knew from my past. Might have turned out a little different if she had recognized me too.
No I have not. But there are most certainly some men in my personal life that I would not mind running into. Shoot, women for that matter too. I go to school with some pretty hot guys and girls that I would absolutely love to run into during "working hours". Originally Posted by Naughty Destiny

Amazing, you are actually working your way through school. I thought that was a myth.
wcdann's Avatar
turbo you would be suprised at the amount of providers with degrees. Several even have masters or more and own like 3 houses. These girls here on eccie arent the same kind of girls you see from back page.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
I had a client that booked me, knowing he knew me from the swinger club. About half way through the session I picked up on ALL the hints he was giving me and ask if he knew who I was when he booked. He admitted yes he did. So I was kinda blindsided there. Now heres my question. If someone, either client or provider knows in ADVANCE that they know the other from the RL, should they state it up front?
LOL! It's true. I know several ladies that are doing the same.
Amazing, you are actually working your way through school. I thought that was a myth. Originally Posted by TurboFan
I have yet spot see one in public, nor show up to a session and know the lady from my past. If by looking at photos I knew her from the past I would say something prior to the session. If I ever ran into one in public I would just give a little smirk and move on. I might send her a pm later, but would never go up to her in public. And I expect the same from her.
A few years ago, I went to a business to pick up a special order. The boss had a gal walk me into the warehouse to check the order and make sure everything was right. I recognized her immediately but I'm not sure if she recognized me because it had been about 2 years since I had seen her on multiple occasions. I had never able to contact her again and I assumed she had moved on to different things.
It was just the 2 of us in the warehouse and neither of us said anything other than business. I didn't want to embarrass her or make her feel awkward in case she did not know who I was, although we were both smiling a lot. I never went back and I always wondered if I should have said anything when we were alone for about 10 minutes. I figured she had a "real job" and nothing would be accomplished by saying anything. I have always wondered if she remembered me.
Yes...a big wig from my SOs work...I informed him during session of how I was able to screen him on such short notice! He was a bit surprised, but he still comes and visits me on occassion!
Yes...a big wig from my SOs work...I informed him during session of how I was able to screen him on such short notice! He was a bit surprised, but he still comes and visits me on occassion! Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
Sounds like a sure fire raise for your SO to me.
lol naw...all is fair in this game.

He asked how I screened him within minutes when it usually takes me 24 hours, I just explained that it's his name on my hubbys paychecks...not much else for me to look up on him! lol
I met a provider in shreveport one night and she turned out to be a friend of my daughters that she worked with and she had been over to my house before when she was younger.
When she opened that hotel door she was behind the door then as she closed the door i realized who she was and my oh my she had a smokin body.
we just started laughing !
Took us awhile to decide what to do !