Mutual Respect

KelseyKisses's Avatar
I had to cancel an appointment due to a things in my personal life..I told this gentleman that because of said circumstances I had to cancel..He then became angry and started to tell me how unprofessional I was..He ranted for a few hours and I tried to cater to him and make him feel better..

If the shoe were on the other foot and he also had to cancel and he called and or emailed to tell me I would say that is quite alright,I understand..

Why is it most of the time (or times that I've dealt with it) it is NOT ok and the said gentlemen throw a tantrum and talk with such disrespect and immaturity?

We all have our outside lives,right?

What is good for the goose is good for the gander..

Or am I mistaken?
Still Looking's Avatar
He is an Ass Wipe!
Panama Grey's Avatar
Some children cannot handle it well when they don't get their way.

Reality exists for almost all of us. Anybody who doesn't understand that needs to be emperor of their own personal universe - they probably don't have room in it for any of us anyway. (or - what SL said!)
jaydalee's Avatar
Some guys do not understand that we do have lives outside of this business.
Things do come up and unfortunately plans have to be cancelled or rescheduled the nature of the business.Guys calls or email and have to cancel it might be a legit reason or BS reason either way we are expected to act in a professional manner.It might have been a good thing you had to cancel on this guy if he is acting like that.
Won't be the first time or the last time there are cancellations on both sides of the coin.
gearslut's Avatar
No excuse for bad manners. I'm amazed you put up with it for any longer than a few minutes. It's always a drag when things intrude on our plans but it ain't the freakin end of the world. Tell him to get over himself or go find someone else to see.
pyramider's Avatar
Just ignore the idiots. If he was not an idiot he could have rescheduled. but now that is probably too late. Life does happen.
Some guys are just aholes plain and simple..and you got to see this guy at his true personality.
Dont let one bad prick spoil the rest.
There are some nice guys out there in this hobby so dont worry about that one are better off now knowing what he is..dump him dont see him again .
When You Are Ready's Avatar
There are plenty of guys who would understand. You should have walked out on this baby.
Bigh1955's Avatar
He is an Ass Wipe! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Plus 10+

I've only had to cancel twice in all the years I've hobbied. Both times I was thanked for calling. They both asked me if I wanted to reschedule - good business practice. One of the providers worked for an agency, strictly on a tour basis, and I was cancelling a 3-hour appointment two days prior. (my dad had a heart-attack). She was understandably distressed and asked me to call her scheduler right away. I told her I'd already done so. I caught up with her a week or so later and made it up to her.

I've suffered thru a number of NCNS providers - that's rude no matter who does it. When a provider calls to cancel for RL personal reasons I always say thank you.
Not saying you didn't have a legitimate reason to cancel; however, it is ODD that providers come up with soooooo many more reasons to cancel than the guys. The "I have to cancel due to......" call is used far to often that it really appears to be laughable and unbelievable too many times.

I've been in/out of the hobby for 16 years and have only had to cancel out once (I did call to cancel in advance). When I hobbied on a regular basis (probably twice a month) the "cancel call (if I was lucky enough for a call!)" by the provider would come up at least every quarter.

It just happens far to many times to considered believable.We don't hear his side of the situation..maybe you were one of a series of providers that backed out on him in succession that he finally had to rant. It goes both ways.
I have had to cancel on several occassions. Men forget that women, have quite a few legit reasons. We do have REAL LIVES! We deal with auntflo who can just decide to show her ugly face...the SLIGHTEST change in a diet can make that bitch show early. I have had to cancel due to the weather and impending tornadoes.. sorry but my children ALWAYS come first. Luckily, the men who i had to cancel on.. we well informed a head of time.. communication is key. They totally understood and I made it up to them within days. Communication and respect goes so far. If someone were to be a total ass to me like this guy... id consider it a blessing i didnt see him.
How much notice was given? If plenty of notice is given I don't have a problem with cancellations.
cumalot's Avatar
The little head can not handle rejection at all....and like SL said he's an ass wipe....
Pure act of selfishness. Give him his ball back and don't play with him anymore
KelseyKisses's Avatar
Thanks for the 2 cents everyone.. Just wanted to reinforce that it happens both ways...