One door closes and another opens

carkido45's Avatar
Your thoughts on the new beginings here on Eccie.
Personally I like it here on this board mainly because I can post again.LOL
Yet the way this board is set-up it looks like an ASPD but with all the upgrades everyone been asking for.
simpleton's Avatar
good board and nice upgrades. Goodjob to all those that made this site
boardman's Avatar
More reviews, Less drama = good
yes less far (got fingers crossed)...lets keep it that way and respect each other both as clients and providers.
RobRoy's Avatar
I like the nice clean & lean layout of the board.
So far pretty intuitive.

carkido45's Avatar
Looks like the sheet is hitting the fan at the P sad but the place looks like it's going up in flames.
burke00x2's Avatar
i am happy to be back to talking about ass, titties, ass, ass, more ass, getting ass, ass being on my face, ass being between my hips and no drama. like i said, a brave new world.
I just found ya'll!

I got here as fast as I could and lovin it!!!!!!!!!
mysterioso77's Avatar
I'm still looking around to make sure this will be "THE" place to be and that I'm going to get what I got out of the other board so I haven't purchased premium access yet. I do see more and more names I recognize so I'm definitely leaning towards it. I have always valued tbone2u's opinion and I see he's here so that must be a good sign...
This place rocks!! Showcases are awesome, no mods in chat room and very quick response times.
CassidyBlue's Avatar
Yep... grab a beverage, take your shoes off, get comfy! Welcome to your new home.

Personally, I LOVE it here and am excited about the upgrades, showcases and the respectful demeanor of the members.