Getting out of the car etiquette question

This morning I went to see a provider and had a very bad experience. When I got to her complex, I decided it would be best to park in the back. There was visitor parking in the back so I parked there. I then texted her that I was there. Then apparently I made a major blunder (according to her anyway) and got out of the car and walked into the complex assuming she would text or call me with the apartment number. So she calls and I answer. She asks where I parked and I told her. She asked what car I drove and I told her. She gives me the apartment number and I head to her apartment.

As soon as she answers the door I can tell there is an issue. Apparently I was supposed to wait until she told me the apartment number before I got out of the car so she could see me get out. This is my etiquette question. Is that true? I'm an infrequent hobbyist and have only gone to amps and studios before. I've never been to an independent. Seems unlikely that ever single independent has parking available that they can monitor, but who knows? I've tried to find some mention of it on the web but can't find it. Maybe I was sick that day in gym class when coach let us in on that tidbit.

She then utterly loses it. Starts yelling at me that this is a big red flag. That she's going to notify P411, etc. I told her I was sorry. I had already told her in an email that I was a newbie with independents. Then I ask her what I can do to reassure her I'm not LE. Nothing would appear to be the answer. She starts telling me a man my age should no better, so on and so on. I left.

What irked me most was her attitude about the whole thing. I read over and over that providers are professionals and should be treated with respect. I wholeheartedly agree, but it works both ways. Don't talk to me like I'm a dog. If I park in the wrong spot at the doctors office he doesn't talk to me like I'm a five year old. If a provider considers me too risky, that's fine. Politely ask me to leave and I will politely go. I realize there are risks here.

Any feedback appreciated,
She wanted to run you license plate to get your identity. So much for discretion and anonymity with her. I would have left.
Seems to me as though you dodged a bullet Pink. Sorry that it was a waste of a session for you. Better luck next time doll.
daty/o's Avatar
I would say she was the one with the problem. She should be done with her screening before she agrees to a session. Whats she going to do, not answer the door if she doesn't like the way you look? Sounds like a newbie.
alphaturtle's Avatar
Who was the provider? I'd like to make sure I avoid that crazy wench, and I bet others on here would like to know, as well.
^^^^ +1 I stay in my car until I get the final destination then I wait a minute or two before I get out. I don't run a plate on the front and I back into the parking space. Questions about where I am or where I parked and I'm gone!
bojulay's Avatar
Sounds wack. How did she even know where you were going to park?

Weird, I hate that mission impossible, I spy, kind of stuff.

She also left out the part where you were to wait at the payphone
by the curb for a call from Mr. Blue, with further instructions.
alphaturtle's Avatar
I think you did everything right. Especially the "I left" part. I really can't tolerate rude, entitled people with bad attitudes.
Thanks guys. I was pretty sure it wasn't me, but it wouldn't be the first time I was oblivious to something that everyone else on the planet seemed to know.

She has nothing but good reviews so maybe she was just having a bad day or is turned off by charming stunningly good looking guys.

Thanks guys. I was pretty sure it wasn't me, but it wouldn't be the first time I was oblivious to something that everyone else on the planet seemed to know.

She has nothing but good reviews so maybe she was just having a bad day or is turned off by charming stunningly good looking guys.

Pink Originally Posted by PinkLonsdale
Who was the provider? Nobody wants to deal with stuff like that. PM if necessary.
Who was the provider? Nobody wants to deal with stuff like that. PM if necessary. Originally Posted by Genosha
Ditto - PM if you'd like but would like to know. Something was definitely not right there.
uncle buck 50's Avatar
If she has rules, she should tell you in advance. If she is that anal, you probably shouldn't ask for that either.

If she's rude and bitchy, you can bet it will carry over bad. I think I'd tell her to stick it and leave.
I usually ask them to text once they're parked but its not to scope them out as they walk out of their car, rather to give specific directions to my apt. Its very frustrating to go up to the third floor only to find out you've gone up the wrong stairway. There is no telling why she was so upset, but I agree with you 100%...she should have delivered that message in a more respectful way. Sorry you had to put up with such hostility.
theboss21422's Avatar
Sry Pink you had to suffer a berating from someone with no class, had this happen to me once, would love to know who to avoid tho
MaximusBlake's Avatar
What a bitch. You really should let everyone know who she is, but if you don't want to do that, can you PM me? I have enough crazy women in my life without paying one to yell at me. To my knowledge a provider has never "watched" me get out of my car!