Timeline for reviews

Dipping into the review club. How old is too old to provide a review for a provider. Can it be a month ago? Or does it need to have occurred in the past week? Three months? Six? I’ve been busy testing driving them all.
I think the rule is that if you want credit for the review (ie. free membership to see everything) you need to post a review within 30 days and you can not review the same girl again for more then 120 days after the last review date. Don't quote me on those rules, I just believe that is what they are...............oh and welcome to cess pool...........Hope you have thick skin............there are a lot of white knights and back stabbers here..........
A lot of guys will also over pay so don't feel you have to offer what they ask.
I think the rule is that if you want credit for the review (ie. free membership to see everything) you need to post a review within 30 days and you can not review the same girl again for more then 120 days after the last review date. Don't quote me on those rules, I just believe that is what they are...............oh and welcome to cess pool...........Hope you have thick skin............there are a lot of white knights and back stabbers here.......... Originally Posted by soldierboy44
Thanks! Been swimming in the cess pool long enough so I hear you. Thick skin for sure and I’ve seen the backstabbing. Haha. My favorites tell me plenty about their clients.

Appreciate your reviews (or what I’ve been able to read of them) and comments.
A lot of guys will also over pay so don't feel you have to offer what they ask. Originally Posted by Scoot642
Have never overpaid. Have never haggled. But you get what you pay for.
I've seen providers that guys on here have paid more for same services . You're more than welcome to pay any price you want .
So who's gonna be your #1 review? Been over a yr get that ball rolling and have fun !!
So who's gonna be your #1 review? Been over a yr get that ball rolling and have fun !! Originally Posted by Scoot642
Baelee is a regular go to when she’s in town. Seeing her on Tuesday and will be taking notes to meet the high standards of all you pervs so for transparency purposes since you asked, that’s who it will be. I could dip within range and might do so if I’m bored for some others. Seeing Dezzi for my weekly this Sunday. But that’s not an “encounter” as much as a studio.

But truthfully as I’ve been vocal about before. It’s clear a small group always fucks shit up. It’s like speed limits. We have them for the idiots who ruin it for everyone else.
Whatever you do, protect your info and identity at all costs. You don't need to share precise details like ("I'm seeing so and so on this date") because that opens you up to risk. I know some don't care that much, but I do fully believe all should be extremely careful.
Whatever you do, protect your info and identity at all costs. You don't need to share precise details like ("I'm seeing so and so on this date") because that opens you up to risk. I know some don't care that much, but I do fully believe all should be extremely careful. Originally Posted by Meridien
This is what I’m talking about! Put the good advice out there so that newbies can learn from the veterans. But don’t attack a newbie. Embrace them and welcome them to the fold.

Let the good providers make bank. It’s Darwinian. If a client won’t go back to a provider. That’s a no. Hard stop. Both sides should show up fresh. If a provider can’t offer that, I don’t go back. Providers ghost clients all the time because we sometimes fuck up as well. If you worked a hard day, ask the provider that you need to take a quick shower. The respect goes in every direction. We can all win.

As for dates. Who’s to say I’m not lying about the timing. I will say this, Baelee is AMAZING. Such a cool woman if you spend some time getting to know her. She will tell you what many already know. If you respect her and get to know her, she’ll blow your mind. If you make it transactional, that’s your loss.
The good advice as well as bad should be noted but part of what PA is for is members that provide reviews and info on providers is designed for those that give input in reviews. Do reviews, get PA and that helps those that do the work ,spend time ,spend$ and take the chances of getting rolled ,caught in a sting or even those that give deposits and get jack shit. It's not mandatory but its a give and take. Thats also part of the private or " cloaked" . Give input with reviews get info from reading them in the ROS. It works for all.

Btw, I thought it was 90 days after reviewing the same lady, but I could be wrong. Should have put this question in “Questions For The Staff” forum. Maybe would get some input from our moderator quicker there.
FBSM, Baelee only posts when she's in town. Always has good reviews and posts on one of the better sites
Thanks Scoot
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