Moving Reviews From Old Account To New

EbonyFucker's Avatar
I have created a new account but would like the reviews I wrote on my old account to appear on my new account. Does that make sense? My old handle was Amadeus, and my new handle is EbonyFucker. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
ck1942's Avatar
You may be interested in Guideline:

#18 - Multiple handles are not permitted, unless in certain circumstances are expressly approved by staff in advance on a case-by-case basis. Action will be taken in cases where staff finds multiple handles are being used for deceptive reasons, to carry out an agenda (promotion or trashing of another), or to return to the board following a previous suspension or ban

which, since your previous handle is still intact ...
PM the moderators and ask them to merge your two profiles.
Why did you not ask to change your handle? I see a spanking on the way.
Just an FYI, when any of you fucktards do this, you need to prove that you own both profiles. You can do this by emailing the staff from the two email addresses linked to your ECCIE profiles.

If said fucktards/hooktards cannot provide this information, one of the profiles will be permanently banned. This removes the suspicious profile from being used illicitly.