have you ever done this??? locked out nekkid!

DallasRain's Avatar
kindafun's Avatar
I have never done it, but while a a sales meeting in Vegas one of my fellow sales people (drunk off his ass and naked as a jaybird) got up to take a piss and walked into the hall way instead of the bathroom. Door slammed behind him locking him out. He was awaked by security laying in front of his door a few hours later. He didn't last very long with the company!
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Dallas, only one question. Why wouldn't you let me back in the room?
DallasRain's Avatar
Dallas, only one question. Why wouldn't you let me back in the room? Originally Posted by When You Are Ready
lol--hell yeahhhhhhhh
I streaked a hotel once, but my gentleman let me back in, thank goodness!
LA Man's Avatar
Had one of the Operations Managers with me at the Sec championship. After a wild nite of drinking he got up to piss and did the same thing, walked into the hall nekkid. He looked down the hall to see a couple walking out of the room, then he realized the paper had already been delivered. So they couple walked by him holding the front page covering his ass while he was beating on the door to get his wife to wake up and let him in. At breakfast there was a table talking about a guy nekkid in the hall banging on the door, I turned around and said he must have been one of the two gay guys fucking in the hall when I came in from drinking. We have never laughed as much as we did at that championship
Great story!
rodog44's Avatar
It happened to me. I was at a large convention at a Hyat Regency. When I got there I went straight to the bar instead of checking in. My luggage went to the bell desk. About 10 hrs later I was one drunk mf. I left the bar with a girl I didn't know and went to her room . That's the last I remember. When I woke up I was sitting in the hall with two security guards shaking me. Luckily I had my jockey shorts on. They asked me what my room number was and I didn't have one and I didn't remember what room I came out of. So they asked my name so they could get my room number. But remember I wasn't regestered so I told them I was Roger Smith who I knew was in his room. They got his room number and off we went. This is where it gets weird and funny. The elevator was glass and the atriem was full of people eating breakfast and alot of them knew me. I had to go up about 20 floors in this glass elevator in my shorts with two security guards. I was still drunk as a shithouse rat so when they started pointing I started waving at them. Finally got to the room and Roger came to the door. The security guard asked him who he was and he said "Im Roger Smith". They said, no this is Roger Smith. Roger said no he aint but put him in here anyway. I fell in the bed and passed out. When I woke up I called the bell desk and They brought me my luggage and the girl had turned my stuff into them so I got everything back. She didn't take anything. That story was told and retold in my industry for years. Probably still is.
Arverni's Avatar
Somewhere on Diego Garcia I have a set of clothes and a wallet with some money in it that I lost back in 1984.

It was a dare ... enter the shark infested waters and swim for 10 minutes after midnight - drunk. So me and two other guys went in "au naturele". When we came out of the water - we found the current had washed us away from the spot we initially entered and our clothes were no where to be found - the darkness didn't make the search any easier. At least a mile hike back to the ship in the nude but a jeep with two Brit security personnel (one female) picked us up along the side of the road and drove us.

The COB on my boat wasn't even pissed. He told us ... "That's not gonna be the strangest thing to happen to anyone on this deployment." No - swimming nude with two other dudes wasn't a "gay" thing ... more like a "submarine thing" ... which, there tends to be a very fine line between the two which is often difficult for me to explain!! LOL