Russian Mafioso ... Watch Out!

Arverni's Avatar
Not posting this in "alerts" because I think it's hilariously funny. Well, it's not funny at all that a school teacher is missing ... but this "theory" about Russian Human Traffickers in ... LAKEVIEW is hilarious.

Well at least NOPD is trying to squash the rumors ...

I have spent a lot of time in Lakeview and I've met quite a few people who live there. Haven't met any with a Russian accent ... you?

I hope they find the lady - I'm clueless as what could have possibly happened to her - she seems to have just vanished without a trace - which plays to the human trafficking meme - but I just don't think that's the case here.
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
Yeah I don't think that's really how the trafficking thing works, although I could be wrong. But in LAKEVIEW? People will believe anything...
pyramider's Avatar
Don't let Vladimir and Gregor fool you.
That is hilarious ! I grew up in Lakeview and now things changed after Katrina but this is stretching it.
Northshore of Chicago, without a doubt.