Cruz wins - Republicans hold the Senate

LexusLover's Avatar
You don't have a clue about the investigation. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Yes, I have "a clue"!

Cruz beat the Socialist, and the Republicans retain the Senate and may be picked up a couple of seats.

Now! "Investigate" Trump and encourage Pelosi to seek an article of "impeachment" for the next 2 years.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Fletcher defeating Culbertson was a bit of a shock.

She did it by running away from Nancy Peloci and the Left. Her strong Pro Abortion stance helped her in areas that have become more Democrat in recent years, especially the BelAire area just outside the 610 loop.

Fletcher also vowed to not vote for Peloci as Speaker and cross the Isle to work with Republicans. . Time will tell if she has the balls to carry through on that. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Thanks for the input. I, too, would run away from Pelosi. Time to move on. I liked Paul Ryan. Thought he tried rather hard to bring the parties together
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 11-07-2018, 07:06 AM
Yes, the Democrats will not be able to help themselves. Peloci, Waters, Nadler and Cummings will furnish President Trump with his biggest weapon in his re-election arsenal. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I think youre right and trump will get reelected if investigations come up blank. Honestly I don't know what his supporters wouldn't support him doing. If he was found to be Chester the molester trumpers would say its ok. I do think dems have a much better chance at senate then. So it will look like it did for Obama. Trump ease easy to influence I think we can get stuff done. Compromise may be back on the table. Wouldn't that be crazy?

His supporters know he's not Chester the Molester. We know he wants to do good by the American people. And I agree - compromise back on the table is a good thing.
Btw - your avatar pic is great. I love that genre of art.

I think youre right and trump will get reelected if investigations come up blank. Honestly I don't know what his supporters wouldn't support him doing. If he was found to be Chester the molester trumpers would say its ok. I do think dems have a much better chance at senate then. So it will look like it did for Obama. Trump ease easy to influence I think we can get stuff done. Compromise may be back on the table. Wouldn't that be crazy? Originally Posted by Trey
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-07-2018, 07:34 AM
Yes, the Democrats will not be able to help themselves. Peloci, Waters, Nadler and Cummings will furnish President Trump with his biggest weapon in his re-election arsenal. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You mean like the GOP did to Obama in 2012 and propelled him to victory after their 2010 takeover?

Many of you are forgetting about the Gov. races. Let see how that plays out in tegards to redistricting.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Good news in Texas.

Democrats flipped 2 US House districts
Democrats flipped 2 Texas senate district
Democrats flipped 12 Texas house seats
Democratic incumbents in Texas all were re-elected

Turnout among Democrats apparently was lower than expected. State party is and has a been a disaster since before Ann Richards was elected. Maybe if they got their shit together ...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So what happens if the investigations DONT come up blank?

Are the Republicans willing to #runaway from the Trumps?
Good news in Texas.

Democrats flipped 2 US House districts
Democrats flipped 2 Texas senate district
Democrats flipped 12 Texas house seats
Democratic incumbents in Texas all were re-elected

Turnout among Democrats apparently was lower than expected. State party is and has a been a disaster since before Ann Richards was elected. Maybe if they got their shit together ... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
- Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

So rich people go to California to prop the state up and pay for left-wing bull-shit?
Because of the weather?

Sorry. That just doesn't seem likely.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Have you ever lived out here and paid attention to the politics?

People let shit slide because the weather is so nice you can't help but feel good.

The weather is the secret to the whole place. It attracts the rich and successful - it is so obvious I shouldn't have to remind you but do you remember what Jed Clampet's friends said to him when he struck oil?

No one could afford this fucking place if they didn't get rich somewhere else (or inherit it, thanks mom and dad!!), unless they want to waste 4 hours per day to drive out to the desert and live there. Fuck that. Fuck, it takes me 15 minutes to get 2 miles away in this crowded fucking place, and we have so many motherfucking homeless you can't swing a dead cat without hitting one.

I give out like $100 bucks per day to all the broke losers asking for shit day and night. I wish they would move away, but all the idiots out here coddle them rather than chase them off, so I pay my protection money and pretend like I like them. Of course, I like them more than I like liberals.
lustylad's Avatar
You don't have a clue about the investigation. The results haven't been released.... The American public is already pissed off...

The American public wants to know what the fuck is going on...
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Yes, I sincerely hope the investigation goes forward so we can learn how and why the dimotards commissioned that phony Steele dossier, colluded with Putin's counter-intelligence agents to smear Trump, and lied to a FISA court to illegally wiretap his 2016 campaign!

John Brennan is up to his ears in this scandal. I want to know the full story about how that commie partisan hack orchestrated the whole thing. Lock him up! Lock him up!

The American public is pissed off and wants to know what the fuck happened!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Apparently, name calling and schoolyard taunting continue to be a central theme of our parade of memes.

Again, the Democrats now control the US House and made significant gains in the Texas Legislature, nearly knocking off an incumbent Republican Senator who spent tens of millions on TV to eke it out.

And Trump is already on TV picking fights. He knows he’ll have to pay the piper.

Doesn’t much sound like winning to me...
I posted the appropriate memes for the topic. What are you - the meme police? We already have one of those,ya know.
lustylad's Avatar
So rich people go to California to prop the state up and pay for left-wing bull-shit?
Because of the weather?

Sorry. That just doesn't seem likely.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
The top income tax rate in California is a whopping 13.3%. The top 1% of all earners pay more than half of all state income taxes! The top 10% chip in more than 80% of state income tax revenues. Look it up if you don't believe me.

As a budget strategy, this over-reliance on the rich to pay for everyone else is very risky, since it means revenues drop precipitously each time there is a recession. If the state's GDP shrinks by 5%, its revenues contract by a multiple of that amount and the state budget swings massively into deficit.

Trust me, I've looked at the numbers.

Trumpy's tax reform now limits the deductibility of state taxes on federal tax returns to $10k. As a result, rich people in high-tax states like CA and NY will see their overall tax burdens jump dramatically in 2018.

It's kind of hard to flee to a low-tax state while keeping your lucrative high-tech job if you work in Silicon Valley.