I found a great idea I could do...

My laptop was stolen from my apartment by a neighbor I let hang with me and my friends. He came over this Friday and I left to stay the night at a friends house Saturday. When I came back Monday I was wondering where it was since I use it so much.
I use this laptop every chance I get. I'm obsessed about making music! I write with the program called Garage Band which come with every single MacBook. I'm so pissed it's gone!
So I called the cops that Monday morning and so thrilled to see them come when I'm supposed to be having clients there! Not! Not happy at all to have cops over! Anyway... one cop comes in the morning to take a report, and another in the afternoon to take fingerprints! So I hope the Fucker gets caught!!! I hope he goes to jail and gets beat up! I'm so mad!
Well anywho... I'm asking my men for gift cards to Best Buy if they want to help me out with getting a new laptop. This time I'll make sure it never leaves my site!
Well thanks for listening to my story I just wanted to share with you how I had a messed up thing happen and I know you all would support me cause this is a great and loving community I'm a part of.

Misty Sky,
TheEccie214's Avatar
Police really come over for fingerprints for a stolen computer? Interesting...

Are you also saying any man that's visited with you has had his fingerprints lifted and could be accused of stealing your computer?

Me thincks this thread is aimed at one person but isn't going to turn out well.
WalkerTx's Avatar
And he came over to stay on Friday, so I'm guessing his fingerprints will be there...
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-11-2017, 09:52 AM
This sounds like a bad attempt for a episode of CSI mixed with a help feed the kids commercial

OP: save your own hooker money and buy your new computer yourself, for some strange reason, I'm not in the giving mood to buy a gift card just give it away.
Well, ya gotta sleep sometime, right. And ya gotta be able to go out (run errands, go to the movies, go on a date, etc)....so realistically ya can't have your (new) laptop in tow everywhere you go, right?

I lock my laptop up in a heavy metal file case (in my office at home) every night without fail (I have too much information on it to risk losing it to theft, fire, zombie apocalypse, etc) That works for me but might not for you. I

That said, if I was you I'd plan in advance how you're gonna secure your next computer (without fail) so this doesn't become a reoccurrence. There are bad people all over the place....plan how you're gonna outwit them. It's the ol' Fool-me-once,-shame-on-you adage, right? Good luck OP.
KittyLamour's Avatar
It happened to me only mine wasn't stolen... my cat jumped up and knocked my iced tea over on my laptop and blew the motherboard which wasn't covered under factory warranty since it got soaked... anyways, I toughed it up, put on my big girl panties, saw one client and went and bought myself a brand new Chromebook which worked great and I still use as a backup even after I saved my money and upgraded to what I really wanted.

Hint: I speak from experience when I say these guys don't mind spending but don't do much charity on a shmb... Best run some "I need a new laptop" specials and watch how quick you come up with one.
Wow! Great idea! Thanks
KittyLamour's Avatar
Wow! Great idea! Thanks Originally Posted by Imaginedsky
You're welcome. A brand new in the box Chromebook costs less than $200... you can do that easily I'm sure... I know it seems devastating, but it's not the end of the world.

Best wishes!
I hope I'm reading this wrong? You let some guy stay at your place after you left?
dont macbooks come with a find/lock/stolen feature like the ipad/iphone? sureley if this gets pawned or sold its going to raise some eyebrows.
Brandofan's Avatar
Yeah I also kind of wanted to say WTHWYT to the OP but OMG DEM TITTAYS! ʕʘ‿ʘʔ
that's a great idea, so surprising no one thought of it before.

PS: wonder if that works for cars....
When you get your replacement you might consider using lojack on it. If it is stolen and you report it gone to lojack first time thief plugs it in to an internet connection the location is suppose to be reported for retrieval and as I understand you can authorize a complete remote wipe.

I would think that would be standard protection for all in the hobby.
TexTushHog's Avatar
dont macbooks come with a find/lock/stolen feature like the ipad/iphone? sureley if this gets pawned or sold its going to raise some eyebrows. Originally Posted by pashunfroot
Exactly what I was going to ask.

That and inquire whether the cops matching finger prints will now suspect every customer who has been in her incall for the past two weeks. Not sure I'd have volunteered that. Or at least been decent enough to tell the cops they there might be a lot of extra prints. It's not like they give a shit.
I hope they dont do the blacklight