Well, at least I still haven't had to use the ingore button.

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 12-27-2022, 06:30 PM
It may be hard to believe, but, I have never ignored anyone on Eccie, lately, its been damned difficult to be tolerant and not hit that button.

Its one of the reasons, I have suggested being more civil to each other and trying to keep the name calling to a minimum, and stopped referring to groups as if we all were part of it, and focusing more on the political figures who DO deserve our derision.

When you attack people en masse, it makes it much easier to hate them, when you degrade their humanity from afar.

Stop and think if you would say what you do here directly to someone in person.

That's all.

Remember, there was a day when you could argue politics with someone and not hate them.
This is great in theory but it would cut out 95% of the post. This Sandbox is all about “winning”, just like real life politics. That’s why very few people I know discuss politics.
What I don’t understand is why people “think” strictly along party lines.
That and some things both sides strongly believe in completely disgust the other side so emotions kick in. I’ll give you an example. I find your view on guns extremely wrong and it’s something that if we tried to discuss it we would get nowhere but pissed off. Politics do that to people.
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  • Devo
  • 12-28-2022, 07:19 PM
This is great in theory but it would cut out 95% of the post. This Sandbox is all about “winning”, just like real life politics. That’s why very few people I know discuss politics.
What I don’t understand is why people “think” strictly along party lines.
That and some things both sides strongly believe in completely disgust the other side so emotions kick in. I’ll give you an example. I find your view on guns extremely wrong and it’s something that if we tried to discuss it we would get nowhere but pissed off. Politics do that to people. Originally Posted by Charley3
Guns, abortions, yes, the two sacred cows, I myself freed my ass from those cows when I learned about the Libertarian party.

And, there are lots of folks out there that have problems with both parties, my point is, drop the rhetoric against the people of groups, because it only encourages hate of the individual person, by assuming all "Insert your group here" are bad people.

I was also in part referencing the recent conduct of a now banned member, who I think was being way too personal in his attacks on other members here, making it very personal, without ever knowing any of the people he disliked.

He wrongly assumed every "X" supporter is this, and, your only reason to have an opinion was based on his belief, of what he THOUGHT we believe.

That's the point, quit calling folks "Libtards", MAGATTS, and shit like that, focus on the politicians, and their actions and not on the people who vote for them.

Its dehumazing, and a technique that I feel is being a bit "Nazi-esque" in all politics, on both sides.

WE can disagree, but not want to hurt each other.
HDGristle's Avatar
The most prolific user of that type of rhetoric remains active and unbanned, Devo.

Neither you nor I stoke that particular flame but some folks don't just toss gas on the fire to stay warm but because they want to see the other side burn and in some cases because they're serial arsonists and they get off on it.
AmishGangster's Avatar
Ever since the day Obama uttered that “elections have consequences” and the majority of Democrats cheered that on I have enjoyed a glass of liberal tears whenever I get the chance. For me that was the turning point of political discussions in general going from civil to fuck off. Then when those same people refused to accept the consequences of Trump getting elected, which was the Democrats own fault for putting up an unelectable candidate in Hillary (yes she was unelectable. So much in fact she got beat by Trump, let that sink in) I really started to enjoy watching anything the left wants burn whenever it happens. Even when it is something I don’t care about or a position I may agree with. Like Devo I am a Libertarian but the things I care about virtually all line up with the Republicans
HDGristle's Avatar
Need to slightly amend, Devo. I forgot about all the highly derogatory names you use for Kamala Harris and the names I've called Agent Orange.

So we do personalize our bullshit on occasion and toss that gas on that fire.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 12-29-2022, 10:57 AM
Need to slightly amend, Devo. I forgot about all the highly derogatory names you use for Kamala Harris and the names I've called Agent Orange.

So we do personalize our bullshit on occasion and toss that gas on that fire. Originally Posted by HDGristle
I have no intention at all to pull any punches with individual politicians, they are public figures and are open game.

Where I think its gone too far is the way people are attacking individuals based on their political affiliation and not on their actions.

My suggestion is to focus on politicians and their actions, and not blame each other for the political beliefs WE hold.

We only help put the people into power and that is our civic duty, I expect dems to vote D, and the reverse, and, my time is better spent trying to sway a D to an R, or vice versa, what happened to winning on your virtues instead of attacking the other candidate for his issues.

We have it completely backwards, and that give the pols the ability to do absolute shit, and still get our votes.
HDGristle's Avatar
Oh my, we're having a coded discussion about stereotyping, profiling and labeling
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 12-29-2022, 06:47 PM
I don't think its coded, those are just key words designed to do exactly what I'm talking about, making the voters the offenders, and not the elected.

But believe me, you'll hear those words a lot if Pittsburgh decides its going to start doing "Stop and frisk" because the high crime neighborhoods are the ones most likely to use the three words you just did.

IN that case, it will do exactly what it shouldn't race pandering, a real attempt to stop gun violence in Pittsburgh.

But back to my thoughts, those are words that never came to mind until you used them, because honestly, I have never needed to use them, even though I have been a victim of all three, especially after Trump was elected.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 12-29-2022, 06:49 PM
White Supremacist Trump voter MAGATT.

All three in one five word sentence.
Ever since the day Obama uttered that “elections have consequences” and the majority of Democrats cheered that on I have enjoyed a glass of liberal tears whenever I get the chance. For me that was the turning point of political discussions in general going from civil to fuck off. Then when those same people refused to accept the consequences of Trump getting elected, which was the Democrats own fault for putting up an unelectable candidate in Hillary (yes she was unelectable. So much in fact she got beat by Trump, let that sink in) I really started to enjoy watching anything the left wants burn whenever it happens. Even when it is something I don’t care about or a position I may agree with. Like Devo I am a Libertarian but the things I care about virtually all line up with the Republicans Originally Posted by AmishGangster

This is exactly what I’m talking about. “Winning” is more important to many than seeing things happen that’s best for our country.
I’ll bet AG is far from the only one that posts in this forum that wants their side to “win” even if it’s something they don’t care about or even agree with.
eyecu2's Avatar
If I don't care about it, I don't usually comment about it. Example,. I'm not a huge " build or don't build the wall" guy.

I do however think that the more difficult we make it for ppl to enter, is probably a good idea. Especially with the flood of ppl coming in. I doubt it would stem / stop the flow of drugs though as most is seized at the border in vehicles vs walking mules. But we should have as much deterrent to entry as possible - which I will say, I've changed my mind about from prior. Cartels will still find a way to get people and drugs into our country, whether they have to go over top, or underneath a wall. But it will keep a lot of the masses that are flowing over on foot from entry.

More importantly if Republicans really wanted a huge win, they would vote on how to fix immigration, and get it done in a bipartisan fashion. That seems to be something that could happen in the upcoming Congress - but it probably won't since the GOP is going to be looking for payback for investigating Trump, Hunter's laptop, Mar-A-lagoon, and of course the FBI, CIA connection they are concocting about Twitter.

Once again, there'll be enough enough "nothing burgers" to last two more years, and get nothing done.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 12-30-2022, 04:58 PM
Nothing IS going to get done, at least of substance, especially the border, unless the house blows up the process, rhetoric at the national level will remain salty.
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  • Devo
  • 12-30-2022, 05:00 PM
It's clear illegals are the new Democratic voting block, just look at the fact Washington is starting to fund their Healthcare at the state level, to relieve the local burden.
AmishGangster's Avatar
This is exactly what I’m talking about. “Winning” is more important to many than seeing things happen that’s best for our country.
I’ll bet AG is far from the only one that posts in this forum that wants their side to “win” even if it’s something they don’t care about or even agree with. Originally Posted by Charley3
Obamacare is the perfect example of Democrats ramming through an agenda the majority of legal citizens did not want in one of the worst political ways possible. “We have to pass the bill to find out whats in it” remember that load of garbage from Nasty Nancy? Thats winning at all costs and its probably cost me over $50k since its inception. Thats a nice down payment on a C8 Corvette, all so illegals and freeloaders could get free shitty healthcare.

So yes I want the left to lose virtually every time for a very long time. 3 Supreme Court Justices is solid revenge but I still want some continuing revenge interest on my Obamacare annual payments that have ruined health care for likely the rest of my life.