Ginni Thomas

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Ginni Thomas Transcript From J6 Panel Reveals Witch Hunt Operation Without A Witch - The committee’s targeting of Ginni Thomas was a political operation to tar the Thomas name and even provoke left-wing calls for impeachment.

The House Select Committee on Jan. 6 released the transcript of the probe’s interview with conservative activist Virginia “Ginni” Thomas Friday, revealing why she wasn’t mentioned once in the panel’s more than 800-page final report. Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, had nothing of consequence to offer her inquisitors — whether it be about the Capitol riot, efforts to overturn the 2020 election, or her husband’s work on the high bench — despite attempts by the panel and its corporate media allies to malign and bully her and her family.

In September, Thomas appeared before lawmakers to justify her choice as a private citizen with political opinions to petition her own government in the aftermath of the last presidential contest. Text messages published by the committee between Thomas and former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows in March revealed the longtime activist pressing the administration to “stand firm” in its challenges against the final result.

“You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice,” Thomas wrote as news organizations began to call the race for President Joe Biden. “The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History.”

Publicizing her private messages had its intended effect: tar the Thomas name and even provoke left-wing calls to impeach the sitting justice. Several Democrats on Capitol Hill demanded Justice Thomas recuse himself from relevant cases to the 2020 election, resign altogether, or face impeachment because his wife is politically active. But out of the 29 messages between Meadows and Ginni — among more than 2,300 text messages recovered from Meadows’ trove of data handed to the committee — not one, according to The Washington Post, included a direct reference to Justice Thomas. And Ginni made that clear to the panel.

“Regarding the 2020 election, I did not speak with him at all about the details of my volunteer campaign activities,” Ginni said. “And I did not speak with him at all about the details of my post-election activities, which were minimal, in any event. I am certain I never spoke with him about any of the legal challenges to the 2020 election, as I was not involved with those challenges in any way.”

While dispelling myths about alleged collusion with her husband, Ginni did not back down from her conviction, shared by millions of Americans, that the 2020 election was conducted unfairly with irregularities that warranted challenges. When pressed by Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the vice chair of the panel, on the avenues to contest an election result, Ginni brought up Democrats’ challenges to every presidential election won by Republicans since the start of this century.

“Democrats have done that in many instances — 2000, 2004, 2016,” Ginni said. “It seemed like there were a lot of people who claimed President Trump was illegitimate for 4 years and tried to undermine his administration.”

In 2017, Democrats objected to electoral votes from more states than Republicans did last year.

“As she told the Committee, Mrs. Thomas had significant concerns about potential fraud and irregularities in the 2020 election, and her minimal activity was focused on ensuring that reports of fraud and irregularities were investigated,” Mark Paoletta, Ginni’s attorney, told The Federalist in an exclusive statement. “Beyond that, she played no role in any events following the 2020 election. She also condemned the violence on January 6, which was reflected in one of her texts to Mark Meadows at the time. In short, the Committee discovered nothing new because there was nothing to discover.”

Despite the committee’s decision to thrust Ginni into the spotlight of the Jan. 6 investigation over her messages to Meadows, her name was never mentioned in a single one of the committee’s show trial hearings.

At the conclusion of Ginni’s deposition, the committee asked whether there was anything Ginni would like to add. Ginni responded by condemning political violence on all sides and reminding lawmakers of her security concerns after Democrat Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer demanded justices “pay the price” for decisions that run counter to his leftist wishes.

“Violence on both sides is abhorrent, and the more you guys focus on just one side, it can do significant damage to our country,” Ginni said. “And, certainly, I’m living with Senator Schumer having said some things on the steps of the Supreme Court that unleashed a lot of things that have us living with Marshals right now.”
eyecu2's Avatar
Perhaps Ginni simply echoed her desires and issues /directives to SCOTUS member Clarence as pillow talk, while they viewed their collection of 'Long Dong Silver's videos that Anita Hill referenced?

While Clarence is railing Ginni, he screams
(Staff edit - #2 - Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable, period. Disrespect another's ethnic background and you will most certainly regret it.)

But then again the flunkies at the Federalist are just a group of Far Right assholes with a mouthpiece in the media.

Anybody who believes a wife doesn't talk to a husband about this kind of shit would believe anything.
chizzy's Avatar
Perhaps Ginni simply echoed her desires and issues /directives to SCOTUS member Clarence as pillow talk, while they viewed their collection of 'Long Dong Silver's videos that Anita Hill referenced?

While Clarence is railing Ginni, he screams

(Staff edit - #2 - Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable, period. Disrespect another's ethnic background and you will most certainly regret it.)

But then again the flunkies at the Federalist are just a group of Far Right assholes with a mouthpiece in the media.

Anybody who believes a wife doesn't talk to a husband about this kind of shit would believe anything. Originally Posted by eyecu2
I was going to ignore ur post after the first paragraph since u basically blow off anything that goes against the left lol
But then u discussed pillow I assume you are totally for investigating polysilicon and her husband on how they seem to be amazing at the stock market since she has been in office? Seems apparent alot of pillow talk going on there.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I met them both, at an rv park outside of Berkeley Springs WV. They’re the most down to earth people you’ll ever run across, and can grill a mean chili dog.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 12-31-2022, 01:26 PM
Perhaps Ginni simply echoed her desires and issues /directives to SCOTUS member Clarence as pillow talk, while they viewed their collection of 'Long Dong Silver's videos that Anita Hill referenced?

While Clarence is railing Ginni, he screams
(Staff edit - #2 - Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable, period. Disrespect another's ethnic background and you will most certainly regret it.)

But then again the flunkies at the Federalist are just a group of Far Right assholes with a mouthpiece in the media.

Anybody who believes a wife doesn't talk to a husband about this kind of shit would believe anything. Originally Posted by eyecu2
And I was accused of racism........

I guess its tolerable if the person is a black conservative married to a white woman, at least tolerable on the left.

And that's the real reason she was targeted.
rmg_35's Avatar
Always there to defend the lowest of the low. She's pond scum.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 12-31-2022, 04:10 PM
Always there to defend the lowest of the low. She's pond scum. Originally Posted by rmg_35

Can you form an argument without your hatred?

Why is she "pond scum"?

Or is it enough to just continuously call names and hate?

I am not trying to bait you, I want to learn what the facts and reasoning you see cause you to have such hatred in your heart?
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 12-31-2022, 04:17 PM
I met them both, at an rv park outside of Berkeley Springs WV. They’re the most down to earth people you’ll ever run across, and can grill a mean chili dog. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
OMG, you just put a human face on Long Dong Silver and his wife "Pond Scum".

You mean they eat food like normal humans and not subsist on the beating hearts pulled from an endangered, living animal?

Sheeit, next your going to try and tell us Long Dong doesn't have cloven hoofs instead of feet.

I mean, how do you drive sick people to try and execute SCOTUS Justices, while they are at home asleep, without any demonization?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Can you form an argument without your hatred?

Why is she "pond scum"?

Or is it enough to just continuously call names and hate?

I am not trying to bait you, I want to learn what the facts and reasoning you see cause you to have such hatred in your heart? Originally Posted by Devo

he won't reply. all of his posts are one or two line "msm" driven talking points.

appalling that the media is so successful in pushing their "agenda"
chizzy's Avatar
Always there to defend the lowest of the low. She's pond scum. Originally Posted by rmg_35
rmg_35's Avatar
Figures that all the far-right extremist come to try to defend the human scum.

January 6th was not a witch hunt. Every Republican from the tRump administration was called to testify under oath (just like Hillary Clinton did for 11 hours about benghazi), but the many refused because they would not be able to lie their asses off like they do on social media because they would be under oath. It's because they are guilty as hell. That's the only reason why they would not testify. Back to Ginni... she regrets her text messages to Mark meadows and then claimed she was unclear about the coup and blames the fact that she was emotional when she sent the messages and can't totally remember ...BULLSHIT. She still is pushing possible fraud and conspiracy theories.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Figures that all the far-right extremist come to try to defend the human scum.

January 6th was not a witch hunt. Every Republican from the tRump administration was called to testify under oath (just like Hillary Clinton did for 11 hours about benghazi), but the many refused because they would not be able to lie their asses off like they do on social media because they would be under oath. It's because they are guilty as hell. That's the only reason why they would not testify. Back to Ginni... she regrets her text messages to Mark meadows and then claimed she was unclear about the coup and blames the fact that she was emotional when she sent the messages and can't totally remember ...BULLSHIT. She still is pushing possible fraud and conspiracy theories. Originally Posted by rmg_35

i'm impressed. you actually posted an entire paragraph. filled with leftist nonsense but a paragraph anyway.

since the left wants to make big noise about what Thompson's wife (a non official) says that may influence Clarence what do you say about what Hunter Biden says that may influence daddy?
berryberry's Avatar
Man, the level of unhinged hatred expressed about two great Americans, Ginny and Clarence Thomas, is off the charts.

One of the greatest Supreme Court Justices of all time and the left hates him. Ask yourself why that is (hint I think this thread has exposed that)

And as the original post showed, his lovely wife Ginny did nothing wrong and the Soviet Show trial fiasco showed that. All Americans are entitled to express their opinions. What Pelosi's corrupt puppets did to try and attack and embarrass Justice Thomas via his wife is reprehensible
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-01-2023, 12:55 PM
Figures that all the far-right extremist come to try to defend the human scum.

January 6th was not a witch hunt. Every Republican from the tRump administration was called to testify under oath (just like Hillary Clinton did for 11 hours about benghazi), but the many refused because they would not be able to lie their asses off like they do on social media because they would be under oath. It's because they are guilty as hell. That's the only reason why they would not testify. Back to Ginni... she regrets her text messages to Mark meadows and then claimed she was unclear about the coup and blames the fact that she was emotional when she sent the messages and can't totally remember ...BULLSHIT. She still is pushing possible fraud and conspiracy theories. Originally Posted by rmg_35
Oh, Hillary?


Oh well, just some dead Americans that we didn't bother to send help for when we were running guns illegally into a foreign country.

Or, how about her Testimony about the Rose law firm?

How many questions did she not remember or recall?

Let alone it was over 20 years ago, and how old is Ginni now?

Hillary was in her prime.

You viciously attack a private citizen for her connection to a SCOTUS justice, and you look up to a failed politician who deleted 33K emails from an illegal server that was likely hacked by the Russians, you know, REAL Russians and not the made up pissing on the bed ones.

I'm glad I don't have to live with shit like that in my heart, and wake up to it everyday.
rmg_35's Avatar
Great Americans is the biggest joke I've heard. Clarence is the most radical right-wing justice. Ginni pushed meadows to find a way to overturn the election. Ginni was also at the Jan. 6 insurrection/riot but can't recall when she left. Again that's bullshit. They are both total assholes in my book.

As far as hillary, she testified for 11 hours. Many of tRump's closest people including tRump refused to testify. The radical right-wing extremist continue to make excuses for these assholes and call the Jan.6th committee a scam. Anyone of these assholes could of test if they had anything to so call clear things up. They avoiding testify because they are guilty of crimes and/or trying to save the biggest asshole of all tRump.

So I could care less what the radical right-wing extremist say about my posts.