Naughty Reviews Can Kiss My Hairy Ass

I wasted time building a profile, uploading pics, writing classifieds when, a few weeks after I do all this, some random admin deletes my ad. I'm told I have to create a profile for every girl (we're an agency) and he needs scans of every girl's ID. I explained how silly this is since the girls appreciate discretion, the photos are all non-nude, and we've been around a lot longer than "NR" and we have a stellar reputation. We don't do stupid shit like deal with underage anything. He then says that well that's the policy and its' been a "huge success." I was like, um your classifieds section looks more than a little sparse considering its free. Its like the same 3-4 ads recycled every day. Doesn't look "successful" to me. He obviously didn't like my comments because he said that now he was going to have to delete my entire profile because the girls "look young to him." LOL.

Ok, first, If that's their policy, fine. Whatever. But I would've liked to have known that BEFORE I wasted all that time on the profile etc. If they need ID for everyone on there maybe they should, um I don't know, mention that at the profile building/photo uploading stage? (like P411 does, for instance). But instead they hire someone to go around deleting stuff after its been up for a month.

Second, enforcement of their policies seems pretty arbitrary. At first the issue was just the classified ads. But then since the random admin didn't like my attitude he went beyond deleting the ad and deleted my entire profile. Meanwhile a healthy percentage of the providers on NR are massage parlors, ya know the kind that's notorious for human trafficking, slavery, etc. Apparently they don't need to provide proof of age, proof of citizenship etc.

So I'm not sure what Naughty Review's business plan is but I'm guessing its going to remain fairly marginal. I know I'm sorry I wasted any time on it, especially since the profile/ads on Naughty Review didn't generate any significant new business anyway.
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 07-24-2013, 02:24 PM
I checked your showcase pics and could not find one hair on your ass. Maybe fuzzy ass?
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Nice bodies on there. My kind of girls, but I have agree with Brot no hairy asses.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Damn that makes me wish I lived closer to Pittsburg.
send me the girls i will check them out and report to NR for you
OkieBloke's Avatar
Nice!! Traveling road show to Oklahoma city?...ijs....
CityGirls's Avatar
dames4u I understand your frustration and I agree with you in some points, like mentioning about ID requirement before adding a Profile and that they someone got their emotions to control their mind and in the result taking a wrong decision by deleting your complete account. I have also experienced similar situation, and not just once, and not just with one web resource(won't name them, since the thread is not about them). And I don't think the decision was made by the owner, but just by a regular employee, who was hired to do administration of the profiles. I think if you would contact Tom, and explain him what happened, there would be some solution to this problem, which would benefit both of you.

NR is a very nice project, which has a good future. It became popular in some of the metro areas, and I think you have checked their SERP(search engine results page) positions that do generate traffic(I can tell you that from my experience, otherwise we would not spend a penny there, neither our time). I don't know if you operate somewhere else besides Pittsburgh, and if you are, you should already know, that there are main web resources in each city, where majority of hobbyists go, and there are others(websites) that are trying to get established. NR could be less known in (lets say) Texas cities and ECCIE could be the main web resource in Texas. But if you compare NR, ECCIE, EROS, TER etc in Indianapolis or Detroit, then you will see, that they are the leaders there. Also, there is difference in the budget of hobbyist, who visits the websites I named. NR members can afford providers rates from 250 to 400/per hour. So, this is another reason, why advertising there makes sense.

NR needs some adjustments to be done, and I`m sure it will happen, but as every new project, it needs time, money and your feedback. This I can tell you from my experience, because I`m a Web Business Developer myself, and run many online business at a time. Remember EROS 10 years ago, or take for example Windows 95. Compare Windows then and now. I`m sure, the first version of Windows was all in bugs and errors. Now it is running smoothly and it is more secure. Or even take yourself as an example. I`m sure, that being in the industry for years, you can proudly say, that your business improved a lot, comparing when you were first introduced to it. You learned many new things, you have changed some ways of handling it, and again it required: time, money and your clients feedback.

I'm told I have to create a profile for every girl (we're an agency)
Either admin explained wrong about agency profile, or you didn't understand him. Because you definitely can post a profile for your organization in general, having pictures of your ladies featuring on it. But I think you need to verify their ages, if they look young or you listed their age in a range between 18 and 24. I have these numbers, because we were also asked to provide ID's to prove ladies age, and we were never asked to provide ID's of providers when stated age was over 25. I`m 99% sure, they would not request an ID for providers who look close to their 30's and age listed is over 25.

I don't agree with you that they should not ask for ID's for ladies who look very young. Places who do not verify age of young ladies advertising on their website, will put in danger first of all young ladies, who can be underage victims. And second of all, they would put their business in danger, advertising such individuals.(I think you also verify providers Ids to make sure they are in their legal age, otherwise you would put your business in danger) You mentioned having a “stellar reputation” and not doing any “stupid shit like deal with underage”, but how they can be sure in that? City Girls also has a good reputation in many cities through US, but we still abide everyone's rules(if that doesn't conflict our rules) if advertising websites requires us to provide them with ID of the providers. Sites, that require age verification will last long in the business. The ones that do not require, will be gone soon(backpage for example). Wait 1 or 2 more years it will be gone like craigslist. Now, the only one question arises, is how they handle this information(ID copies). Will they share it with 3rd parties? It also doesn't state nowhere on NR website. For example EROS do say on their website, that they voluntarily work with Law Enforcement in Criminal Investigations. If it is only about underage, then I completely agree with them. But they don't specify it.

He then says that well that's the policy and its' been a "huge success."
I believe him.

Its like the same 3-4 ads recycled every day. Doesn't look "successful" to me. He obviously didn't like my comments because he said that now he was going to have to delete my entire profile because the girls "look young to him."
I don't agree with him deleting your entire profile, but do agree, if girls look young, there is a need to proof their age.

Meanwhile a healthy percentage of the providers on NR are massage parlors, ya know the kind that's notorious for human trafficking, slavery, etc. Apparently they don't need to provide proof of age, proof of citizenship etc.
I`m sure they also need to provide the ID. They didn't ask you about proof of citizenship, so probably it is not required. I don't know any of the websites around, who requires to prove Citizenship or even residency.

So I'm not sure what Naughty Review's business plan is but I'm guessing its going to remain fairly marginal. I know I'm sorry I wasted any time on it, especially since the profile/ads on Naughty Review didn't generate any significant new business anyway.
Business plan is probably still in beta condition, and not complete and logical from every point, but it will be set once, and again it will require: time, money and your feedback.

And of course, you as an advertiser, have a right to make a decision where you should advertise, and if your rules are suitable to their rules.

Good luck! And let's keep this community safe.

City Girls
well in my neck of the woods naughty reviews is all I really use.. not much action here on eccie up here in WI (packer country) thats why I haven't bothered to join until now..

but I've been on NR for the past 2 years..
Sorry to hear your not happy with naughtyreviews.I have been member for awhile.I have no problems there.Admin don't mess around.NO PERFECT adult websites no where. Thanks! Have a good night folks!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Interesting. I joined NR earlier this year so I could alter the unsolicited profile they already had up on me. (Seemed to be the only way to correct misinformation. Contacting them did no good.) I didn't have to provide identification to verify anything. (Damn, I'm insulted!) Practically speaking, how did they know it was actually me claiming the profile?

If they ask for ID, it should be all or none. I understand the need for age checks, but a company has to enforce a standard set of rules equally to all participants to be taken seriously. Seems very arbitrary in administration.
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
Naughty Reviews sucks. Maybe there are some regions where you have to use it because it is a major player, but in my experience, they nonconsensually post profiles of ladies without their permission. Also, I don't know what region of the country NR guys can afford 250-400 per hour, but I have never gotten a single appointment off of there because the guys always complain that my rates are too high (I've tried at the 250, 300, and 400 levels, with no success on any of them). What I see is that if you charge 100-200 per hour, you can gain a following on NR. If you are a high volume provider it can probably work fr you. This might just be my limited experience in certain regions, and maybe other ladies have different experiences. But I've found the guys to be immature, time wasters, looking for a cheap deal, no references, etc. I don't see any high end ladies on there, and in the circles of professional ladies I tend to converse with via the Internet, it is widely agreed that NR is a waste of time. In my experience, NR is amateur hour and I don't really have any respect for a business whose strategy includes spamming providers and posting their profiles without their permission. Just saying.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Interesting. I joined NR earlier this year so I could alter the unsolicited profile they already had up on me. (Seemed to be the only way to correct misinformation. Contacting them did no good.) I didn't have to provide identification to verify anything. (Damn, I'm insulted!) Practically speaking, how did they know it was actually me claiming the profile?

If they ask for ID, it should be all or none. I understand the need for age checks, but a company has to enforce a standard set of rules equally to all participants to be taken seriously. Seems very arbitrary in administration.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
and if you did not take that profile. anyone could.


one Upset NY hooker took control of other providers profiles.
mmmmmm why all the whites black and the blacks white
partly fixed now
Hobbyists and escorts enjoy trashing naughtyreviews. Have a nice day!
NR is veryyy popular up North and down south. Places such as Michigan, Indiana, and Florida all have a very strong presence. Sorry to hear that it is not the best in your area SpicyZoey, but almost every hard hitter in Fl (ladies who charge 300+) have profiles on NR. I am in Miami and my best dates come from NR, and they tend to book multiple hours.

If it is not strong in your area it's still a good place to advertise, especially if you travel, or so that businessmen who travel and use the site can see you.

As part of the profile set up. If a hobbyist has seen a girl (sometimes new, utr, or from bp) they can set up a profile for them to leave a review on them. The lady is then free to claim her profile and personalize it any way she wishes. It's kind of like when a gent posts a review on TER, I saw that I had some on there and then created an account to link them to me . Any exposure is good exposure imo. Except backpage lol, backpage is debatable.

But NR is very nice, admin is responsive but not overbearing, there are not a ridiculous amount of mods on the boards censoring you, penalizing you, and removing your posts, AND you can edit, update, or delete your posts at any time. They are not "locked in" like here and you won't get penalized for bumping old posts you think are interesting. Plus the escorts only forum is a really good place to get information on good/bad experiences and dangerous people, ESPECIALLY if you are a traveling provider.

Anyways I always look around in different regions of a website before I deem it membership worthy or not. This site is really slow in Fl but I do get a lot of traveling businessmen that stop in Miami and see my ad on here so it is a devinite benefit. NR is the same way.