If you spot a provider

Say if you spot a provider you had a good time with before on your way to work (by yourself, or with your colleague, or with your wife), what will be your reaction?

Just say hello like a good friend
Try to avoid seeing each other
Or else?

Again I think your reaction will be different if you have thought about this before, or it just happens when you have absolute no time to think about it
joesmo888's Avatar
depends.. some of them i have gotten to know personally and they know me as well so i would have no issue talking to them unless they seemed taken aback.

others i would just ignore like i didn't know them
pyramider's Avatar
Is it wrong to run up to them and give their boobs a tweaking?
Only if your SO is with you. If you don't have a SO, what you suggest is what they suggest in the "Manners for Refined People"'book. Seriously, those are three entirely different situations that might call for three different responses. When I run in to those I have seen before, I don't say anything, I just lick my eyebrows. They always call me soon after, dying to set up an appointment and offering me deep discounts. Some even offer to pay me. It is fairly rare but it has happened more than once. It is always so embarrassing for providers. They HATE having to pay for sex! I don't understand their hangup about that. But I am not a provider.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-13-2013, 09:31 PM
As with most things, it depends. Generally I agree with Joe's comments.

When in doubt, ignore.

If you have any tickle in the back of your head, ignore.

ONLY if you know her well enough you introduce her to your colleague by her real first name, ask about her dog/kids/SO, know where she keep the corkscrew in her kitchen (not her outcall), and carry on a typical social conversation for 5 min should you show a sign of recognition.

Even then, it's much better to have discussed this potential situation with her in advance.
As with most things, it depends. Generally I agree with Joe's comments.

When in doubt, ignore.

If you have any tickle in the back of your head, ignore.

ONLY if you know her well enough you introduce her to your colleague by her real first name, ask about her dog/kids/SO, know where she keep the corkscrew in her kitchen (not her outcall), and carry on a typical social conversation for 5 min should you show a sign of recognition.

Even then, it's much better to have discussed this potential situation with her in advance. Originally Posted by Old-T
Very well stated!

It's best to just not say anything rather than cause anyone to be uncomfortable.
ICU 812's Avatar
I would interact in the same way that I would when encountering an attractive stranger: eye contact and a nod perhaps, a "good morning" perhaps—but nothing more. Later on I might drop her a PM to fully
aknowledge our near meeting.