New York "Safe Act" - Update

Previously posted article:

Just received my letter from New York State Police
Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor
George P. Beach II, Superintendent
Pistol Permit Buureau

Only two things worse to find in your mail box. A letter from the IRS or one from your ex-wifes lawyer. Was an official letter from the state police, form letter, so a lot of you guys should be getting them if you have had a pistol permit longer than five years.

Purpose of letter was to inform me that if I wanted to keep my pistol permit I had to re-certify my license before next January ,2018. Having had my permit over 20yrs I felt complacent since my pistol permit had been approved in another county and address. Well somebody must be feeding all the past paper trails into the new computer systems as the letter came to me at my new address in a different county.

I called the phone line and talked to an official ( very easy to get through, less than 30 seconds). I asked if I could just re-certify by going to their website and was told yes , unless any deviations from what was on my permit. I said address was different and he told me for re-certification to take place my permit would have to be amended to correct address. Just go to the county I now live in and fill out forms.

Called county I live in and they told me they had to do back round check , get pic taken and pay app. fees and it could take a couple months. I asked if they may change my permit status from permitted to carry and conceal and she told me it would be up to the judge who would have to sign the new amended permit. Red flag came up in my brain and I said thank you and would take appropriate action.

Called the county clerk of my former address in original permitting county. She told me that it was very easy and I could just amend the address in that county and keep my gun registered in that county even though I live in different county now. Said they still have to back round check , but would only have to pay for ammendment fee and pic I.D. and no new application fee since I was only an ammendment not a whole new permit application. Said it would only take a few days while they waited for the backround check and they would send me the new one to my new out of county of issue residence.
Smart lady (I hope) probably entertaining the fact that any fees go to her county of employment. Asked if my permit right to carry concealed could be changed and she said no and I could even keep my old permit and not have to turn it in.

I am sure I am not the only one who has received this letter. Maybe me first because I am a long time permit holder, but I am sure as they go through the records that everyone is going to receive this "lovely " letter. I will go through the legal process properly ,but I think the best way is to keep your gun registered in the county you first did. Saves money and hopefully can maintain your correct permit status. Have talked to recent guys got permits and they get what is called "Sportsman Status" only giving you right to hunt, target shoot or go to gun clubs. Maybe its bullshit, but I am taking no chances. " Safe Act Sucks" and although I didn't vote not wanting to cast my vote on the lesser of two evils, I think if Hillary got in we would probably be looking at getting permits for our shotguns and rifles too.

Just trying to keep those who believe in their right to bear arms by the Constitution of this country are kept properly informed.
jokacz's Avatar
Once you join the well regulated militia you'll have a right. Until then it's a license.

Once you join the well regulated militia you'll have a right. Until then it's a license.

Originally Posted by jokacz
Depends on how you interpret the statement. I believe we have a well regulated militia to secure our free state, BUT , we the people of that state should not have our rights to bear arms infringed. This "Safe Act" imposed by The State Of New York., toughest in the nation. Our State government should be proud of themselves as they have managed to limit our right to bear arms more so than any other state in the nation. We the legal gun owners are now just burdened with dumb ass paperwork that does nothing to enhance our security. If anything makes it easier for criminals to find out who has a gun if they are looking to steal one. Anyone can walk into the downtown area of their city and buy an illegal or stolen handgun with no problem at all. I don't think this "Act " will be repealed so I'll just go with the flow until I retire to Nevada or Florida.
jokacz's Avatar
There you go, move to a red state.

"Jokass", Thank you for sharing. Have a nice day.
We the legal gun owners are now just burdened with dumb ass paperwork that does nothing to enhance our security. If anything makes it easier for criminals to find out who has a gun if they are looking to steal one. Originally Posted by normale
If you haven't already done so, the NYSAFE act allows you to file a request to be exempt from FOIL (Freedom of Information Law) requests.
SF69, If you didn't file this form before May 2013 the Foil act requires you to fill out and application form requiring specific info on why you need to be exempt. It is pretty specific and not sure it would be granted just for the sake of you not wanting your info available without some detailed info requiring why. Check the link you gave me . At the bottom it lets you go to the request form. Thanks for the info.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Safe act is absolutely absurd. It's a big enough pain in the ass to have to have multiple permits because so many states only accept their own. The whole safe act makes it more of a pain in the ass. When I moved here from tx I had to get rid of my scorpion too. It's funny that ny would rather have me shoot someone in an artery instead of use my 300000 volts to knock them out.
Tasers are a nice option , especially for you ladies who need to stay protected. Have heard multiple shocks in a short period of time can inflict permanent if not fatal results. You are absolutely right about safe act being absurd. We are a nation of one unity, but state laws separate us in their own quests to control our lives. With all the issues going on in this country I see anarchy coming some day , but not within our generation I hope.
The legal advice I've received, was to re-certify near the deadline--in case the law changes as there are a number of cases challenging parts of the SAFE act still working their way through the courts--and then to not submit online, but send it by Certified Mail w/Return Receipt. That way you have the US Government's proof that you submitted it and that it was received.

It's important to keep in mind that this process is a mine field because if anything is incorrect, ie. recorded vs actual serial #, recorded vs actual description, and/or etc., the State Police now has probable cause to visit, inspect, and investigate you. So make sure you correct any such issues with your County Permit office well before re-certifying.

Another danger in this process--if you have something on your permit which NY SAFE labels as an "assault weapon", and you did not register it as such, your re-certification letter can be considered an admission of guilt for a crime. Understand, ANY violation of the SAFE Act allows the state to seize ALL of your firearms, pistols and long guns, without a warrant, and really doesn't provide a defined process/mechanism to return them short of suing for their return. Also keep in mind, there is no legal requirement for law enforcement to "pamper" or maintain seized items, so if you own "collectible" type of firearms, there is definitely no guarantee they will be returned in their original state/condition.
Lexxxy's Avatar
The government should stay out of my gun cabinet, body, bedroom, and business.
The government should stay out of my gun cabinet, body, bedroom, and business. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
Couldn't agree more!
Plez. Very good advice. Thank you. Certified mail only way to go, always nice to have written proof.

Lexxxy. You are 100% right on the money. Personal stuff is not the business of government.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Anybody who thinks the Safe Act is actually about safety should have their head examined.
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
Safe act is absolutely absurd. It's a big enough pain in the ass to have to have multiple permits because so many states only accept their own. The whole safe act makes it more of a pain in the ass. When I moved here from tx I had to get rid of my scorpion too. It's funny that ny would rather have me shoot someone in an artery instead of use my 300000 volts to knock them out. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
NY allowin me to have less bullets isn't a good idea. 1 bullet wasted on a warning shot. Need to make the other bullets count. Not wastin bullets on limbs. Better go for core since i need to make the limited bullets count.

The government should stay out of my gun cabinet, body, bedroom, and business. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
Anybody who thinks the Safe Act is actually about safety should have their head examined. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Yall are right. it's about $...control.