You Know.. We All Have Rules???

DarthMaul's Avatar
Let me first say that this posts doesn't reflect the opinions of the owners, staff or other moderators on ECCIE. Just my thoughts!!

It has been brought to attention in the last week of the tensions, personal back biting and slander that exists specifically on ECCIE...GROW UP! I am reminding everyone that this board exists for INFORMATION EXCHANGE!

We spend most of our time looking for adults who don't act like ADULTS!

We know that there are people who have assumed false identities. Don't risk your access attempting to publicly insult them in a thread or via PM. It's not worth it.

Ignore any thread you deem not worth responding too. You will notice that these people won't keep writing or they will go away.

We know other boards exists and most of you have access to more than 2, 3 or more! Don't insult members, owners, MODS, providers of any other boards in this public forum. It's not worth it.

I am trying to understand "OUTTING" and how it helps in an exchange of information. It doesn't unless this person has robbed or physically hurt someone. Don't do it here

If you are an a**hole, admit your an a**hole and go get some help. Dr. Phil needs work. Don't make this "BOARD" your reason for living! Go out..If you have hot water in your house, take a bath.


#27 - ECCIE policy regarding the discussion of competing websites is intended to exhibit a straight-forward and simple approach. We do not disallow mention of other sites here at ECCIE, however we ask that you limit those discussions to the "Other Hobby Sites" thread located in the Member Suggestions and Feedback forum. This is the area that we have designated as being an appropriate outlet for these types of discussions. Posts of this nature made in other forums throughout the board will be merged into this location. If you find these types of posts in your local forums, please use the RTM function to report them to staff.

#31 - Often times in the hobby arena, members may display a tendency towards bringing their conflicts with other members to the board. This will be strongly discouraged and swift effort will be made to put it to rest. Additionally, staff will make every effort to stay uninvolved in conflicts and disputes between members off the board except in such cases where the board becomes directly affected.
What he said! It's against the rules to pick on me anytime EVER!. For EVER EVER! Infinity!
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
What he said! It's against the rules to pick on me anytime EVER!. For EVER EVER! Infinity! Originally Posted by angelinadream
What... NOOOOO... Don't tell me that ..... Oh, wait you said pick... sorry I misread that... thought it said lick...
yngtxn's Avatar
Let's see if anything changes around here in a week or so.
proper's Avatar
Thx darth. Hopefully you will not have to resort to more serious measures but seeing the trend I doubt that very much.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
What he said! It's against the rules to pick on me anytime EVER!. For EVER EVER! Infinity! Originally Posted by angelinadream
I think he was also talking about you. In your short time here, you are one of the biggest shit stirrers around, and there are time when you would be best served by shutting the fuck up.
Killersalt's Avatar
Thx darth. Hopefully you will not have to resort to more serious measures but seeing the trend I doubt that very much. Originally Posted by proper
Crap, now I'm going to have to start watching the soaps again.

The frustration of cat herding. I don't miss it.

I think he was also talking about you. In your short time here, you are one of the biggest shit stirrers around, and there are time when you would be best served by shutting the fuck up. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

I feel the same about you...
Mr Clever's Avatar
The Mod is right......seems like everyone has lost sight of what this and other boards are for.


That's why they were started.
Raphael's Avatar
The drama over the other site stopped when those two threads were blocked. Just sayin...
notanewbie's Avatar
nice try Darth.
Serously ya'll......we have a ignore button...since she has been on mine, i havent responded to one message or one thread of hers...shes not the only one on it....its soooo relaxing now....wait damm i hear the baby crying, so much for relaxing!!!
Killersalt's Avatar
The drama over the other site stopped when those two threads were blocked. Just sayin... Originally Posted by Raphael
The problem is the drama has spread to a lot of threads that originally had nothing to do with the drama. Slap your Mamma thread was even closed a while......
carkido45's Avatar
Hmmm yeah this site is for informatiom exchange.
There are some hobbyist who are selfish and do not write reviews but when it comes to starting crap well they have no problem there.
I may be an asshole at times but I will help a fellow hobbyist out with info.
There some here who only cause trouble but getting to write or do a recon is like pulling teeth.
SELFISH is what you are taking from the givers then complaining
about everyone else not exchanging info.
Don't bitch unless you have contributed one view.
Carry the message not the mess.
What if every hobbyist didn't contribute a review.
Where would eccie be and where would we get quality talent and not get ripped off.