Fact-Checking the Las Vegas Democratic Debate The New York Times 12 hrs ago

  • oeb11
  • 02-20-2020, 09:38 AM

Considering the veracity of the NYT and its editorial department (racism is the new weapon against Trump) - I take anything they deem as a "FACT" with some trepidation - and require other non Fascist DPST confirmation.

Still - an interesting read about the cannibalistic savaging of each other - and bloomie as the rich outsider in particular. Lookinig for any quote from any time period to lay a charge of "ideologically impure" on bloomie. The DNC wants his money for Biden - and is terrified of Bloomie (former Republican) and Sanders ( can't win - too Marxist) - but wants not him for 2020 nominee.

Take it for entertainment - not "FACTS"!!

Six of the candidates vying for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination took the stage on Wednesday night in Las Vegas for their last debate before Nevada’s caucuses on Saturday.
Here is how the candidates’ remarks stacked up against the truth.


Senator Elizabeth Warren highlighted past comments by former Mayor Michael Bloomberg that derided women.
“I’d like to talk about who we’re running against, a billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse-faced lesbians. And no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.”
This is mostly true. In 1990, Mr. Bloomberg’s colleagues at his financial data firm compiled a book of one-liners purportedly uttered by their boss, including a number of bawdy and sexist comments. Among the quotes was a quip about the British royals, in which Mr. Bloomberg used the terms “horsey-faced lesbian” and “fat broad” to refer to two female members of the Royal Family.

Slideshow by photo servicesIn 2001, Mr. Bloomberg dismissed the book of quotes as “Borscht Belt jokes.” He has never explicitly admitted to having said the quotes in the book. Last year, though, a Bloomberg spokesman, Stu Loeser, issued a general comment about Mr. Bloomberg’s history of misogynist comments, saying: “Mike has come to see that some of what he has said is disrespectful and wrong. He believes his words have not always aligned with his values and the way he has led his life.”
What the Facts Are:
Ms. Warren said Mr. Bloomberg had blamed the 2008 financial crisis on African Americans and Latinos.
What Ms. Warren said:
© Erin Schaff/The New York Times From left, Michael R. Bloomberg, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Joseph R. Biden Jr., Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar during the Democratic debate in Las Vegas on Wednesday. “When Mayor Bloomberg was busy blaming African-Americans and Latinos for the housing crash of 2008, I was right here in Las Vegas literally just a few blocks down the street holding hearings on the banks that were taking away homes from millions of families.”

This is exaggerated. Mr. Bloomberg’s comments were made in 2008 as the subprime mortgage crisis was pulling the country into the biggest economic slowdown since the Great Depression. Asked to explain the origins of the crisis in an appearance at Georgetown University, Mr. Bloomberg linked it to federal interference in the mortgage lending business and a wide variety of other factors like “very cheap money” in the form of low Federal Reserve interest rates, a failure by banks to consider that home prices could fall, and developers that built more houses than the market could absorb.
Where his critics have focused, however, is on the first part of his 8-minute answer. He started his answer off by saying the present economic woes began when “there was a lot of pressure on banks to make loans to everyone.” He then pointed to legislation passed by Congress to end the practice known as “redlining,” in which banks declared entire neighborhoods off limits to lending. These were usually poor, heavily minority communities.
“Once you started pushing in that direction,” he added, “banks started making more and more loans where the credit of the person buying the house wasn’t as good as you would like.”
Adding more unpredictability to the situation, he said, were bankers and Wall Street executives who had created such complex instruments to profit from mortgages that they did not, in essence, understand what they were selling.
What the facts are:
Mr. Bloomberg and Senator Bernie Sanders came under fire for being extreme opposites whose views are not representative of the Democratic Party.
What Mr. Buttigieg said:
“Let’s put forward somebody who’s actually a Democrat.”
This is exaggerated. Mr. Sanders is formally running for president as a Democrat, according to his Federal Election Commission filing. However, as a senator he is an Independent who caucuses with the Democrats. His F.E.C. filing for his 2024 senate re-election campaign lists his party affiliation as “Independent” and his senate website continues to have an “I” next to his name.
As for Mr. Bloomberg, he was a lifelong Democrat before running for mayor of New York City as a Republican in 2001. In 2007 he changed parties and became an Independent. In 2018, as he prepared to run for president, Mr. Bloomberg once again became a Democrat.
What the Facts Are:
Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. claimed undue credit for being the “first” candidate to introduce a public option.
What He Said:
“I notice what everybody’s talking about is the plan that I first introduced.”
This is exaggerated. Four candidates — Mr. Biden, Senator Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg and Mr. Bloomberg — support a public option, which anyone can buy into but retains private insurance. The concept has been around for many years.
Mr. Biden first released his health care plan in July and Mr. Buttigieg delivered his in September. Ms. Klobuchar released hers in May, though it did not go into the same level of detail as the other plans on the implementation of the system. Mr. Bloomberg entered the race in November and released his plan in December.
Mr. Biden’s and Mr. Buttigieg’s plans do share many facets — but that’s not particularly surprising or a sign of Mr. Biden’s particular leadership on the issue. (Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado, who has since dropped out of the race, has argued that Mr. Biden actually copied his 2017 health care plan, which Ms. Klobuchar supported.)
“It’s not unusual to see presidential candidates have health care reform proposals that are very similar,” said Larry Levitt, the president of the nonprofit Kaiser Health Foundation. “Many of the ideas in the Biden and Buttigieg plans have been circulating in health policy circles for several years. Candidates rarely create these policy proposals from scratch.”
Their plans, Mr. Levitt said, “represent is an emerging consensus among Democrats of what a health care reform plan might look like in 2021 other than Medicare for all, if the party wins in 2020.”
What the Facts Are:
Mr. Sanders and Mr. Biden both charged that a Bloomberg policy in New York City went after African American and Latino people.
What MR. Sanders Said:
“Mr. Bloomberg had policies in New York City of stop and frisk, which went after African-American and Latino people in an outrageous way.”
This is true. A judge ruled in 2013 that the tactics underlying stop and frisk as practiced in New York disproportionately stopped blacks and Latinos.
What MR. Biden Said:
“He had stop and frisk, throwing close to 5 million young black men up against a wall.”
He later said, “The reason that stop and frisk changed is because Barack Obama sent moderators to see what was going on. When we sent them there to say this practice has to stop, the mayor thought it was a terrible idea we send them there, a terrible idea.”
This is mostly false. New York’s wholesale stop and frisk policy began its death spiral with a report from the New York Civil Liberties Union in May 2012 that revealed more than 685,000 stops had been made the year before. The next month, Mr. Bloomberg announced that the program was going to be reformed, and over the next year, the number of stops plummeted. Lawsuits were also underway or about to be filed. In August 2013, as Mr. Bloomberg approached his final months in office, a judge ruled against the city and as part of the remedies, appointed a monitor. Mr. Bloomberg strongly objected to the monitor, to no avail. By then, the number of monthly stops had declined by more than 90 percent from its peak.
What the Facts Are:
Mr. Bloomberg accurately cited his record on coal plant closures.
What He Said:
“Well, already we’ve closed 304 out of the 530 coal-fired power plants in the United States.”
This is true. Mr. Bloomberg was referring to his more than $100 million contribution to the Sierra Club’s “Beyond Coal” campaign since 2011. According to the Sierra Club, 304 coal-fired power plants have since either retired or have announced plans to close. They estimate that 40 percent of those closures would have not happened had it not been for the campaign. Overall, he has donated about $278.2 million to environmental and climate change causes, according to a recent New York Times tally, and had a strong record on climate change as mayor of New York City.
What the facts are:
Mr. Biden and Mr. Buttigieg misrepresented the possibility that their proposals could raises taxes on small businesses.
What they said:
Asked if their plans would raise taxes on small businesses,
Mr. Biden said: “No, taxes on small businesses won’t go up.”
Mr. Buttigieg said: “Not if they are small businesses.”
This is misleading. Both Mr. Biden and Mr. Buttigieg would raise the corporate rate from its current level of 21 percent — to 28 percent for Mr. Biden and to 35 percent for Mr. Buttigieg. That rate applies to all corporations, regardless of size. Though it is rare for small businesses to organize themselves as corporations, some small businesses do so, and they would face higher taxes under Mr. Biden’s and Mr. Buttigieg’s plans.
For business owners who earn more than $250,000 per year. Mr. Buttigieg would also eliminate a tax break that is used by businesses organized as so-called pass-through entities like limited liability corporations. That elimination could raise taxes on some small businesses, albeit those owned by high-income Americans.
What They Are Talking About:
Ms. Warren said Mr. Biden had hoped Senator Mitch McConnell would prevail in his re-election campaign.
What they said:
Ms. Warren: “According to The New York Times, the last time that Mitch McConnell was on the ballot, the vice president stood in the Oval Office and said, I hope that Mitch gets re-elected so I can keep working with him.”
Mr. Biden: “That’s totally out of context.”
Ms. Warren was likely referring to a September 2019 report in The Times about Mr. Biden’s working relationship with Mr. McConnell, the Republican majority leader who during the Obama administration thwarted many Democratic legislative priorities and judicial appointments.
Harry Reid, the former Nevada senator and Democratic leader, told The Times that President Barack Obama had pressed Mr. McConnell to work on a budget package before the 2014 midterms, when Mr. McConnell was up for re-election.
Mr. McConnell rejected the offer and said that it would present an obstacle for Republicans in their primaries.
Mr. Biden responded by saying, “Mitch, we want to see you come back,” Mr. Reid said.
What the facts are:
Michael Bloomberg referred incorrectly to the relative greenhouse gas emissions of China and India.
What Mr. Bloomberg said:
“In all fairness, the Chinese have slowed down. It’s India that is an even bigger problem. But it is an enormous problem. Nobody’s doing anything about it.”
This is false. China’s emissions of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, rose last year from 2018, according to the International Energy Agency. In fact, emissions have risen each year since 2017, after having declined in 2015 and 2016. Experts say China had been stimulating its economy to try to keep up growth rates. Industrial coal-burning is the largest source of greenhouse gases in China, which remains the world’s largest emitter.
Fact checks by Michael M. Grynbaum, Jeremy W. Peters, Alan Rappeport, Linda Qiu, Jim Dwyer and Edward Wong.
I didn't watch the debate, only saw the aftermath

heard it was raucous and lively

the "fact checkers" usually have one thing in common, they start everything from a liberal world view

not that that applies in this case probably as I would think that leftists fact checking leftists might yield truer results

anyway, interesting post

thanks oeb11
Hotrod511's Avatar
I'm sure it was a good comedy show to watch
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
there were facts used in the debate? who knew??

HedonistForever's Avatar
I wasn't going to watch the debate ( I watched the first one and that was enough for me ) but when I heard that Bloomberg was going to be on the stage and hearing all the bad audio from "throw the Black males against the wall and frisk them" and the latest insult to the LGBTQ community who it is absolutely forbidden to disrespect, Bloomberg said about LGBTQ "whether you call them he, she or it", I knew Bloomberg was going to be savaged and he was. Warren hit him with the biggest salvo and the one I think will hurt him most and keep him from getting the nomination, Warren asked him how many NDA's Non Disclosure Agreements, he has with women and would he now release all these women from their agreements and Bloomberg mumbled this and that but his answer came down to "No, I won't".

So Bloomberg has now disrespected and insulted women, Blacks, farmers any blue collar worker because they don't need a brain to operate a lathe and told us that the President of China is not a dictator even though he recently declared himself "President for life" and his proposition that the Chinese President couldn't stay in power without the majority of his "constituency" agreeing with his policies. Good fucking grief! China could absolutely destroy Bloombergs business if he doesn't play ball with them which he is absolutely doing right now. They say jump and mini Mike asks "how high"

And on a similar but different note, Trump just slapped sanctions on Russia's biggest oil company. No way for a Russian puppet to act, huh? Trump tells Russia to kiss his ass and Bloomberg asks China which cheek he should kiss.

What a dilemma for Democrats huh? Their savior from Bernie is a billionaire, racist, misogynist who has no respect for farmers and blue collar workers, won't release his tax return and kisses up to America's number one enemy China, not Russia.
HedonistForever's Avatar
there were facts used in the debate? who knew??

BAHHAHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Yeah, the fact that nominating Bernie will be the end of the Democrats control of the House and insure a Trump re-election and keeping the Senate.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Fact checking and the times , now that's funny
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yeah, the fact that nominating Bernie will be the end of the Democrats control of the House and insure a Trump re-election and keeping the Senate. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

i can live with that.