What Would You Do?

gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 08-31-2017, 11:11 PM
I just moved into a perfect home; ½ home and ½ office close to a district court that I appear in regularly. I’ve been there for about a month and I have noticed that my next-door neighbors may be going through a divorce. Nevertheless, I have kept my mouth shut despite their arguments that reach through my open windows. I haven’t called the cops(yes, we all hate those guys, I get it) until tonight because he was threatening to hurt the wife. I was out on my porch because I heard the bullshit and I tried to talk them down. The mom of the husband was up in my face and the husband were both calling me out, trying to fight me. He, at one point, called me a “wannabe nigga lawyer” and that he would kill me, I told him that he could come by anytime to eat an uppercut. Instead of amplifying this situation anymore, I called the cops. BTW, I hate calling the cops as they rarely do anything productive as evidenced tonight. No one went to jail, they only talked to the mother and husband.

Anyways, the cops have left and I am still here. No murders, no calls to my friends who owe me bail money thus peace on the block. Nevertheless, would you have intervened like I had? Called the cops/my boys(yes, they are real)?
pyramider's Avatar
Domestic issues are powder kegs. Stay out of it. Call the police when you hear the threats.
^^^^^Dangling death framed it up...spot on. Steer clear of crazy at all cost. Report to the authorities if you suspect abuse / violence. Otherwise, I wouldn't personally intervene again. It could easily escalate and possibly co$t you more than what's in your bank account. Good luck.
Gotyour6's Avatar

Let them kill each other.

I am betting that she will return later to him and all will be forgiven.

Like a whore getting beat by a pimp so are the days of our lives.
See post # 2, #3, #4
You can always call the police and tell them you do not want them to come to your house to interview you after they intervene.

Domestic violence is an ugly thing as is divorce. I think you did the right thing. Enough is enough. If they own their house, not much you can do; if it's rented, call the landlord as well.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Sorry Gy6,
Cause bullets do go through walls, the neighbors should call it in to protect themselves.

The rest of your comments are valid.
I would also protect your place with security cameras in case the husband, mother or anyone else tries to do something while you are gone.

I would also protect your place with security cameras in case the husband, mother or anyone else tries to do something while you are gone.

https://www.arlo.com/en-us/ Originally Posted by unit12
I agree. One of my underlings in Guam tried to intervene in a domestic dispute when he came back stateside on medical leave. After he came back to the ship, the dude he intervened with between him and his wife, decided to take some bricks through the window of his home while his two kids and wife were home.. THEN threw in some bottles as well.. and if it wasn't for his camera system, the cops wouldn't have been able to arrest the neighbor cause "no one else saw anything"..
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 09-01-2017, 11:28 PM
Thank you all for your advice, this is what I was thinking but I needed some confirmation.

I'll tell you this, I never thought that by moving here I would have played peacemaker last night. Nevertheless, you never know how you will react until it happens.

I was thinking about getting an alarm/video system and now I will.

Again, thank you so much for your words of advice!

pyramider's Avatar
Is the wife hot?
chicagoboy's Avatar
What Would You Do? Originally Posted by gt27
Fuck her! Fuck her brains out!
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 09-03-2017, 01:02 AM
Fuck her! Fuck her brains out! Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Your post is worthless.

Pyramider, just for your entertainment, she is easy on the eyes.
Yeah I do respect you for having the courage to personally intervene . however when it comes to domestic disputes you definitely should intervene from a distance especially because 9 times out of 10 , they go back to the abuser 5753685 more times before they finally leave . definitely kinda hot that you took matters into your own hands though ......just saying
pyramider's Avatar
Your post is worthless.

Pyramider, just for your entertainment, she is easy on the eyes. Originally Posted by gt27

Without taint photos we will never know.