Prez primays 2024

offshoredrilling's Avatar
NYS primary fir GOV mmmm seems a flop so far

ugh to soon for 2024 errrr but what the hell

see if this dos better

primary who would ya like to see run

DEM and or GOP

As a GOP guy I like not part of the system and my party hates him/her like well as they hated Don . will he, to soon if I want him again

Dr Ben will not try again I bet, and I want a 2 or 3 outsiders

one I would like give it a try

would love ta see what he got ta say
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Nugent for governor? No chance he'd live in NY city. Maybe he'd go for a cabin in Durand Park with unlimited hunting privileges in the the park, and also at Durand Beach in the summer.
Ted vows to put a "Stranglehold on crime in NY. The "Free For All" stops now. 😂

Ron DeSantis or Rand Paul for president. 👍

Kid Rock for press secretary 😂
offshoredrilling's Avatar
AHEM 2024 this thread Sir

Ted N for president primary run

extra added bonus, entertainment TDSX2
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Ah, okay. I still like Ted for governor though.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Yesterdays political candidates for 200, Alex....