Reviewing is a waste of time and doesn't always end up helping out the reviewer

We all know that in this hobby, consistency is not a thing. Every individual session is YMMV, every interaction is going to be different. Women are very shallow and superficial as a species, so they're going to treat you according to how handsome they think you are.

Women operate on emotions, and scientifically, looking at something or someone pleasant invokes positive emotions. That's just human nature. That's why you should not visit a provider solely based on "good reviews"... because they could be all above average in looks and get good service, while the reason you don't get what they get is because you're ugly.

If you pass the female's looks threshold, you'll likely get at least a good time. If you exceed it, you'll get a super passionate time. If you fail her looks threshold, your time will suck with her and you'll write a bad review. It is what it is.

Now, I do recognize this wasn't always the case. Prostitutes (and any female service worker) used to actually treat everyone with the same respect regardless of looks. However with the somewhat push for 3rd wave feminism, the female species has gotten highly entitled. They are so used to instant gratification and getting simped and coddled by soyciety that they think they are invincible. They think they can treat ugly men like trash and get away with it... and unfortunately they can and do.

It sucks that even in an industry where the man pays $300+ per hour, the female still treats the man like shit if he is ugly. Of course it's not only this industry, its all of life in general. However this industry is built off of women pretending to be passionate to men, so men not getting that because they're ugly just hurts business.

I'm not directing negative energy towards anyone. This is just objective observation as to why you may get bad service. Its because the female thinks that even though she is getting paid, she deserves a Brad Pitt looking man. She wants Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome. And due to her greed and how much soyciety worships every single woman, she will treat you like trash if you do not meet her looks threshold. Its just female nature to want the top tier man, even in this industry.

Men are willing to scrape for the bottom tier of women, while women won't want to fuck anyone who doesn't look like Chris Hemsworth.

This is all just objective fact. Women are going to deny this, and if a man is delusional about how life works, he's going to also deny this.
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
Agree to disagree?

Most reviews that I read from men will mention, she is gorgeous, she is hot, her looks are ok, she's very plain, not much to look at, she opened the door & I left cuz she was not like her pics, I will never repeat.

That's not my delusion, cuz I don't care about looks, and I don't scrape the bottom of the barrel. When I connect with a woman's eyes, we are no longer strangers, and we will both share a brief moment of bliss. The most beautiful woman and the most ugly woman provides a bad session if there is no confidence and connection.

I'm pretty damn ugly, but I don't care. I enjoy life, and am content with myself. I can make people laugh, and can touch with warm sensuality. I want to give love, and if I receive a little love in return, I'm a happy man. And I am that way without delusion.

Happiness is a choice in life. Choose it, and the world (and companions) will open up to you. Best of luck in your mongering, and keep looking for that companion that clicks with you. Then rinse and repeat.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
The ladies knew what they signed up for when they decided to be a provider. Most of the guys who do P4P have to pay for it or they would not ever get laid so obviously are not going to be the best looking and/or in perfect shape with six pack abs guys. Go to a social sometime and you will see what I mean. The whole object of this hobby for guys is suppose to be able to get a lady who has the quality of looks and skill level that if you did not pay her, she would not give you the time of day otherwise.

While there are some guys who have the looks that a provider desires to give him a passionate time, remember, it is how he treats her and his personal hygiene that matters. I guarantee you that a provider would rather have a guy who is average looking but respects her time and person and has great personal hygiene, then a guy who has the physical looks she desires, but thinks his shit doesn't stink, has "I just ate some spicy food" breath and did not wipe his ass good or went to the gym and did not take a shower before he saw her any day.

Reviewing those ladies on a review board that they are members of are also what they signed up for. I agree with you that if you give negative intel on provider because she accepted the session and your money, then gave half assed service if that good, the providers and WKs will pull you through the ringer several times. Reporting bad service from providers will ultimately make you a hard to please client and the provider you reviewed will make it as if you are the asshole instead of her in order to make her feel better about giving shitty service.
Agree to disagree?

Most reviews that I read from men will mention, she is gorgeous, she is hot, her looks are ok, she's very plain, not much to look at, she opened the door & I left cuz she was not like her pics, I will never repeat.

That's not my delusion, cuz I don't care about looks, and I don't scrape the bottom of the barrel. When I connect with a woman's eyes, we are no longer strangers, and we will both share a brief moment of bliss. The most beautiful woman and the most ugly woman provides a bad session if there is no confidence and connection.

I'm pretty damn ugly, but I don't care. I enjoy life, and am content with myself. I can make people laugh, and can touch with warm sensuality. I want to give love, and if I receive a little love in return, I'm a happy man. And I am that way without delusion.

Happiness is a choice in life. Choose it, and the world (and companions) will open up to you. Best of luck in your mongering, and keep looking for that companion that clicks with you. Then rinse and repeat. Originally Posted by TexomaCowboy
I highly doubt you're truly ugly. I would suggest getting your face rated. They take every measurement and every angle of your face so they can calculate how handsome you are. I'm willing to bet you are above average in the face. You just don't know it because you don't know the science and math behind what makes a good looking face.

And yes, men do judge on looks. Its just human nature. But women act on emotion and are willing to treat a man badly if he doesn't look the part.

If you have time, look into the story of Jeremy Meeks.
The ladies knew what they signed up for when they decided to be a provider. Most of the guys who do P4P are not going to be the best looking and/or in perfect shape with six pack abs guys. Go to a social sometime and you will see what I mean.

While there are some guys who have the looks that a provider desires to give him a passionate time, remember, it is how he treats her and his personal hygiene that matters. I guarantee you that a provider would rather have a guy who is average looking but respects her time and person and has great personal hygiene, then a guy who has the physical looks she desires, but thinks his shit doesn't stink, has "I just ate some spicy food" breath and did not wipe his ass good or went to the gym and did not take a shower before he saw her any day.

Reviewing those ladies on a review board that they are members of are also what they signed up for. I agree with you that if you give negative intel on provider because she accepted the session and your money, then gave half assed service if that good, the providers and WKs will pull you through the ringer several times. Reporting bad service from providers will ultimately make you a hard to please client and the provider you reviewed will make it as if you are the asshole instead of her in order to make her feel better about giving shitty service. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
You just proved my point. A woman would take an average guy because he's not hideous to look at. He's average, she's seen these types of guy multiple times a day.

What I'm talking about is a guy who was born so ugly that he is repulsive to women. They don't want that. They would rather have a tall handsome rich guy beat them to near death than to even be within 25ft of a truly ugly person.
corona's Avatar
Hate the game, not the player man. I review to help myself and the provider. I get premium access here, and she gets an honest review of how I felt our experience went.

This isn't a transaction with a plumber my dude. Attraction is going to play a role on both sides. It just does.

When you interact with people in the real world, are you friendly? Do you smile and treat them with politeness and courtesy? Attitude goes a long way in life man, not just in the hobby verse.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
You just proved my point. A woman would take an average guy because he's not hideous to look at. He's average, she's seen these types of guy multiple times a day.

What I'm talking about is a guy who was born so ugly that he is repulsive to women. They don't want that. They would rather have a tall handsome rich guy beat them to near death than to even be within 25ft of a truly ugly person. Originally Posted by InNOut

As I said, there are some ugly guys who are hobbyists because they would not get laid otherwise and if this avenue did not exist, the only times they would get off is JO to free porn on the internet.

It is all about role play for the provider. Given the actual time she spends with a client BCD, the good providers know how to fake it to boost your ego.

The thing is, any guy who thinks a provider is his friend or that thinks he is the best BCD she has ever had, I encourage those guys to contact that provider and ask her to hang out. Oh, and do not bring any money because after all you will not need it since she enjoys your company and really should be pay you since you are so great BCD.

Point is, handsome or an ugly stick, as long as you respect a provider and have great personal hygiene, you should get along fine and get good service. The ladies are certainly not robots, but at the same time, neither are they guys that pay them to satisfy their desires.
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
I've been to Conventions where the ugliest of us are sitting in the Hotel Bar, and the Companions-for-hire have no qualms about approaching us. Yes, they approached US. They didn't care about our looks. And while WE looked at their assets, they never once said "My eyes are up her bub!" They knew we had money and wanted to barter. We were not shy about bartering. LOL
We all know that in this hobby, consistency is not a thing. Every individual session is YMMV, every interaction is going to be different. Women are very shallow and superficial as a species, so they're going to treat you according to how handsome they think you are.

Women operate on emotions, and scientifically, looking at something or someone pleasant invokes positive emotions. That's just human nature. That's why you should not visit a provider solely based on "good reviews"... because they could be all above average in looks and get good service, while the reason you don't get what they get is because you're ugly.

If you pass the female's looks threshold, you'll likely get at least a good time. If you exceed it, you'll get a super passionate time. If you fail her looks threshold, your time will suck with her and you'll write a bad review. It is what it is.

Now, I do recognize this wasn't always the case. Prostitutes (and any female service worker) used to actually treat everyone with the same respect regardless of looks. However with the somewhat push for 3rd wave feminism, the female species has gotten highly entitled. They are so used to instant gratification and getting simped and coddled by soyciety that they think they are invincible. They think they can treat ugly men like trash and get away with it... and unfortunately they can and do.

It sucks that even in an industry where the man pays $300+ per hour, the female still treats the man like shit if he is ugly. Of course it's not only this industry, its all of life in general. However this industry is built off of women pretending to be passionate to men, so men not getting that because they're ugly just hurts business.

I'm not directing negative energy towards anyone. This is just objective observation as to why you may get bad service. Its because the female thinks that even though she is getting paid, she deserves a Brad Pitt looking man. She wants Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome. And due to her greed and how much soyciety worships every single woman, she will treat you like trash if you do not meet her looks threshold. Its just female nature to want the top tier man, even in this industry.

Men are willing to scrape for the bottom tier of women, while women won't want to fuck anyone who doesn't look like Chris Hemsworth.

This is all just objective fact. Women are going to deny this, and if a man is delusional about how life works, he's going to also deny this. Originally Posted by InNOut
Sorry to see you are so jaded. Sounds like you might consider the providers you are selecting. Don't lump all men or women into your personal experiences.

As to reviews, the reviewer is as important, if not more so, than what is said in the review. Learning who to trust is sometimes difficult, but oh so important. Unfortunately, a lot of the most trusted guys have left or don't post reviews anymore.

I quit posting reviews years ago but I think two of those ladies are still around. As long as the guy is polite, respectful, and clean, they would not turn down anyone just on looks. Perhaps it's a younger generation thing. Most of us like younger women, but there are ladies in their 30's, 40's and even 50's that can blow your mind regardless of how you look.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Think of it from the POV of a Provider...

''Society rewards the young beautiful ladies, they get cars, jewelry, travel from Horny Men with money. I'm plain (or worse), and I make 71 cents for every dollar a man makes. I'm trying to make up that deficit selling my ass, and that requires body-to-body contact with some disgusting men''.
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
Dear Mr InNOut

You have 3 reviews. You only selected some of the hottest Studio ladies. You have way more confidence than you expressed to us. A quick synapsis reveals, with snippets of your reviews:

Connie @ BK

Momo @ KF

Selena @ LP

You've got game my man! Either you don't know that, or you're just playin' with us. LOL

[whenever you refer to anything in the ROS, please use private tags - GM]
Hate the game, not the player man. I review to help myself and the provider. I get premium access here, and she gets an honest review of how I felt our experience went.

This isn't a transaction with a plumber my dude. Attraction is going to play a role on both sides. It just does.

When you interact with people in the real world, are you friendly? Do you smile and treat them with politeness and courtesy? Attitude goes a long way in life man, not just in the hobby verse. Originally Posted by corona
Have you seen runaway models? They NEVER smile yet women genuinely desire them all day
corona's Avatar

Have you seen runaway models? They NEVER smile yet women genuinely desire them all day Originally Posted by InNOut
As I said, there are some ugly guys who are hobbyists because they would not get laid otherwise and if this avenue did not exist, the only times they would get off is JO to free porn on the internet.

It is all about role play for the provider. Given the actual time she spends with a client BCD, the good providers know how to fake it to boost your ego.

The thing is, any guy who thinks a provider is his friend or that thinks he is the best BCD she has ever had, I encourage those guys to contact that provider and ask her to hang out. Oh, and do not bring any money because after all you will not need it since she enjoys your company and really should be pay you since you are so great BCD.

Point is, handsome or an ugly stick, as long as you respect a provider and have great personal hygiene, you should get along fine and get good service. The ladies are certainly not robots, but at the same time, neither are they guys that pay them to satisfy their desires. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
You're missing the point. I'm not trying to be friends with providers. I want a great session with tons of GENUINE sexual passion from the provider. If there was an ugly guy and a hot guy, both showered, both dressed well, both have money, who do you think is more likely to get the session with burning genuine sexual primal desire?

Many guys are on time. Many guys do dress well. Many guys do bring the donation. But not many guys are treated with the aforementioned burning sexual desire coming from the woman's animalistic instincts. That's the difference. Thats the point I'm trying to get across.

An ugly dude might be able to book a session. He might be fooled into thinking he got a great session. However it could be better. If he was better looking from a genetics standpoint, she would've been all over him from the door.
I've been to Conventions where the ugliest of us are sitting in the Hotel Bar, and the Companions-for-hire have no qualms about approaching us. Yes, they approached US. They didn't care about our looks. And while WE looked at their assets, they never once said "My eyes are up her bub!" They knew we had money and wanted to barter. We were not shy about bartering. LOL Originally Posted by TexomaCowboy
They approached you for the money and only the money. There was no animalistic burning passion for her to enjoy the session, which makes it that much better for you. Don't you think your session would be better if the woman actually enjoys it as well without you doing anything like DATY? She's just after your money and is willing to open her legs for that. However she doesn't desire you, she desires your money.

Swap out you and any other average Joe and the same thing will happen. You were at a convention in a bar in Vegas where women are known to try to swindle you into a paid exchange. To them, sex is nothing at this point. They just want your cash. But if they find a hot guy with money as well, 100% guarantee that he will be having the better session. Again, if she is feeling it, you will get your moneys worth.