House Republicans pivot

VitaMan's Avatar
House Republicans have relented on their insistence to tie border security measures to the passage of Ukraine aid.

The change marks a stark contrast to a December ultimatum from Speaker Johnson, who had explicitly communicated to the White House that “supplemental Ukraine funding is dependent upon enactment of changes to our nation’s border security laws.”

It never made sense to link completely different issues. The Republicans stalled any progress on immigration issues for months.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They’re trying to save their phony baloney jobs.

It’s too late.

Johnson is a weak Speaker. He may be gone before November.
Precious_b's Avatar
Wonder what they'll do if their leader from the wings loses the next election and the log jam of court cases hit the orange pumpkin?

Dear. Oh. My. They will have to look at the Democrats to guide them since they will be lost sheeple.