The swamp

winn dixie's Avatar
The swamp is the system. It's politics and power. The elite and powerful. It's the grown ups table. It is what it is.
You can't change the swamp. It can't be drained. It's not necessarily all corrupt and evil. The swamp is just a term for the game, the system.
With elections we can control how muddy the swamp gets.
But by defeating trumpf and maga this year. And ending the shitlers never ending drama we can get back to a respectful government for the people.
winn dixie's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
If we get to dredge that swamp. I hope to get all the maga out. As it's a biohazard. TOXIC!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The swamp is the system. It's politics and power. The elite and powerful. It's the grown ups table. It is what it is.
You can't change the swamp. It can't be drained. It's not necessarily all corrupt and evil. The swamp is just a term for the game, the system.
With elections we can control how muddy the swamp gets.
But by defeating trumpf and maga this year. And ending the shitlers never ending drama we can get back to a respectful government for the people.
YOU CANT DRAIN THE SWAMP. But we can dredge the SLIME OUT OF IT THAT IS TRUMPF Originally Posted by winn dixie

winn dixie's Avatar
You really can't drain the swamp when fatass trumpf has muddied and clogged the drain plug of said swamp. While stuck in the drain trumpf consumes every organism and oxygen rendering the swamp uninhabitable. Sounds exactly what shitler has and is doing to America. Only answer is to dredge and remove the maga slime to make America great errr inhabitable again.
oilfieldace's Avatar
The swamp is the system. It's politics and power. The elite and powerful. It's the grown ups table. It is what it is.
You can't change the swamp. It can't be drained. It's not necessarily all corrupt and evil. The swamp is just a term for the game, the system.
With elections we can control how muddy the swamp gets.
But by defeating trumpf and maga this year. And ending the shitlers never ending drama we can get back to a respectful government for the people.
YOU CANT DRAIN THE SWAMP. But we can dredge the SLIME OUT OF IT THAT IS TRUMPF Originally Posted by winn dixie
Joseph Robinette Biden is as corrupt as they come. Need to send him to the trash bin