How hard is it to read a ladies or elsewhere?

I do understand with the recent changes to Eccie that certain things cannot be discussed out in the open and a ladies reviews, prior to the site going down, are no longer viewable. However, if a lady refers you somewhere else to look at "booking details" perhaps you should do so. There is nothing more frustrating than going through screening only to find out that he, whomever he may be, did NOT do proper research. For the love of Pete, just freaking take a look at what we refer you to. It will save ALL parties wasted time and energy! Good grief.

Someone please tell me why q.v. and hhr visits are so popular to some men? Is it because they are cheap? I personally feel lesser length sessions bring more unwarranted attention to a lady and her premises. I'm not knocking anyone who offers or partakes, as I tried hhr sessions when I first started, they just do not seem worth it to me.

1). I hate being rushed
2). I have a day job and if I'm gonna sneak away it isn't going to be for a hhr or less.
3). I do not live at my incall
4). Too much traffic
5). I have to put the same amt of effort to be ready and I cannot see doing so for less than an hour.

I'm curious and want an actual discussion. I'd love to hear your thoughts, Guys and gals.
pyramider's Avatar
This is easy. Many of the quick hitters are cheap players. They will delay and that 15 min or 30 min appointment gets close to an one hour session at a quarter or half hour rate.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Even a Qv is too long for me because your hotness causes me to have premature ejaclatuon the moment you touch me.
TinMan's Avatar
It’s not complicated: Because many guys just want a quick, cheap nut.
Last Ride's Avatar
Even a Qv is too long for me because your hotness causes me to have premature ejaclatuon the moment you touch me. Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle
As I have gotten older my ADHD kicks in. 30 minutes is great for me now. I usually stick to the Asian ladies at the AMP's so 30 minutes is not that uncommon.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Maybe they're illiterate and can't read. Hey, anything is possible
Hour or nothing for me. I want to enjoy so much more than just a quick pop.

Sorry but I can't speak for the guys who like smaller quantities of time. I am sure it has to do with a shortage of either time or budget.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Or maybe they don't want to spend 36 minutes of an hour talking, to get one release, and have to pay for that whole hour.

Some guys are quick triggers. Instead of spending a majority of the time in idle conversation, they could've been in and out.

Prep time? Oh, please. Was the room trashed BEFORE you set an appointment? Why would you need to 'prep' it more than it should already be (as in a general state of readiness)? Sure, maybe you need to doll up a bit (shower, outfit, makeup, etc), but you're about to make money that you didn't have beforehand.

It's not as if you're doing volunteer work. You make hundreds of dollars an hour, but you hate prepping for it??

Does a half hour REALLY suck that much to prep for? It's better to make a little something something than a whole lot of nothing.

Seems you women forget, the hobby is a SELECTION PROCESS. The guy chose YOU, out of a pool of hundreds. If the prepping process is too inconvenient for you, why not recommend another provider for that guy to go see instead. I'm sure she'll thank you for putting money in her pocket.
Randall you make some good points, but did you take the time to read ALL of the reasons I do not like hhr sessions? Yes, I agree it is,a selection process and am ALWAYS grateful to be chosen. That's NOT the issue. Some people prefer shorter visits, some don't. I get that. I tried them, as I stated and they don't work for me. Anyone who has been to my place knows it's always clean, and well stocked...yes, it takes prep time before/after EVERY session. I always walk into a prepared place, as I leave it that way. Not rocket science there.

For me, it's the being rushed and traffic that doesn't sit with me more than anything, something that obviously escapes you. So, yes in order to look less obvious and draw unwarranted attention, I will pass on hhr requests. That's just ME.

As to some of the other commenters, there are lots of gents that abuse time, even with longer sessions. Fortunately, I don't run into many of those and hadn't even considered that a reason. Book hhr, stay the hour?

I'm curious if the ladies that do offer them, run into that much? How about the ladies, like myself, that do not offer them, was that one of the reasons you don't?

Thanks for the responses so far, it's nice to Get a different perspective on things.

I'd also LOVE to give a shout out to whomever sent me the email calling me a whiny cunt. You totally made my day. Gave me a good laugh. You really could have said it here
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Dolly, you know guys don't read. Lol Even when everything is spelled out, they will still message you.

Some guys like hhr because they only get an hour for lunch, are on a super tight schedule or the wife keeps them on a very short leash. I get that. Some use it to measure chemistry (although I don't think you can accurately judge in 30min) for a first time. Then as Randall said, some have a quick trigger, and some are cheap, errr I mean, short on funds.

Short visits are too rushed, especially on a first meet. I'm not a clock watcher, dont want to be, but I don't want my time to be taken advantage of either. I prefer to make a connection with someone with kissing touching and talking a little bit. That can't be done in a rushed visit.

And, I actually put effort in my appearance. I don't answer the door in a robe with wet hair or in yoga pants. So for me, it takes the same amount of time to get ready for company, whether it's a Brief Chat, a 30min appetizer, and a longer escapade. Plus if a lady does nothing but short visits, several times a day, the high traffic will get unwanted attention. (not to mention it's more wear and tear on the body. ijs) When you take that into consideration, shorter visits aren't worth it 90% of the time.

With all that said, I will offer them occasionally, usually when I have lady business going on.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
First of all...Thank You, Kendall for posting an actual CoEd discussion in the CoEd Section.

There seems to be an overall decline in content...whether do to lack of contributor skills or reduced moderation. Hell, we've got ISO popping up in every forum and just random shit in the "Encounter Reports"...

Maybe the scales are tilting to the lower end of the market...while you continue to operate on the higher end.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Prep time is also hair makeup which can take a decent amount of time, also driving way tf across town to our incall. I can tell you are used to ladies who don’t bother to wash/change the sheets too. Some of us put more effort into our sessions than others.

Not all of us are not revolving doors you know.
pyramider's Avatar
Or maybe they don't want to spend 36 minutes of an hour talking, to get one release, and have to pay for that whole hour.

Some guys are quick triggers. Instead of spending a majority of the time in idle conversation, they could've been in and out.

Prep time? Oh, please. Was the room trashed BEFORE you set an appointment? Why would you need to 'prep' it more than it should already be (as in a general state of readiness)? Sure, maybe you need to doll up a bit (shower, outfit, makeup, etc), but you're about to make money that you didn't have beforehand.

It's not as if you're doing volunteer work. You make hundreds of dollars an hour, but you hate prepping for it??

Does a half hour REALLY suck that much to prep for? It's better to make a little something something than a whole lot of nothing.

Seems you women forget, the hobby is a SELECTION PROCESS. The guy chose YOU, out of a pool of hundreds. If the prepping process is too inconvenient for you, why not recommend another provider for that guy to go see instead. I'm sure she'll thank you for putting money in her pocket. Originally Posted by Randall Creed

As usual you have no points.

It is up to the fucktard also for that 36 minutes of talking. I doubt the lady jumped into a 36 monologue.

As far as prepping. It takes the lady thas same amount of time to prep for 30 minutes as it does for a two hour appointment. Seeing that you should wonder why a lady prefers hour and above over the quickies.

Also, remember not all money is good money.
Of course pre blackout research was our friend, now you dont know for sure what youre getting.
As LL said hhr investment tests the water but honestly I do that more with younger gals.
Providers are also so varied....last week i spent 450 for one clock watched hour with a 30 year old and there was no vibe and two days later spent 250 with another 30 year old and she ended the session after four hours(i give a damned good massage)
Whats sad is that some girls reading this will say I took advantage of the four hour girl but conversely she thinks it's sad girls watch the clock....who's right?
I walked away from the 450 swearing never ever to spend that much again.

Invest wisely
I don't answer the door in a robe with wet hair Originally Posted by Laura Lynn

Looks sexy though