Maddow talking points

Can we start an ongoing thread of the mad cow's talking points. I can't stand watching her, but getting some warning about what my fascist friends are going to spout is helpful and illustrative.

There is an almost perfect correlation when I have checked.
That would mean we would have to actually watch that “Addadicktome”
Not sure I could watch that thing more than 30 seconds.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Can we start an ongoing thread of the mad cow's talking points. I can't stand watching her, but getting some warning about what my fascist friends are going to spout is helpful and illustrative.

There is an almost perfect correlation when I have checked. Originally Posted by kehaar
we just did. bhahhaaa

watching this bitch make these grandiose and eloquent speeches is a comedy. then the next day when no one other than flaming liberals are yelling for the mob to riot the White House she is beside herself in disbelief. Like several posters here, she simply can't understand why all people don't hate Trump like she does. and this woman does hate Trump, more what Trump represents perhaps but to her far leftist views Trump is Gotdam Devil himself.


This is just the first wave of the Great Rebuttal and the MadCow got the first wave out. these so-called 15 Questions are already circulating.

Here is a bullet list from the video.

1. “Why did Mueller not decide on obstruction of justice?”
2. “Did Mueller expect Barr to decide on obstruction?”
3. “Should Barr have decided on obstruction?”
4. “Did Mueller want to protect a future grand jury?”
5. “Why did Barr consult the DOJ office of legal counsel before deciding about obstruction?”
6. “What will be briefed to the intelligence committees and Gang of Eight?”
7. “Was there a full investigation of Trump’s intent regarding obstruction?”
8. “Were Trump’s finances part of the investigation?”
9. “Will we see the Mueller investigation scope memo?”
10. “Will we see Trump’s written responses to Mueller?”
11. “Will the Mueller report be released?”
12. “Will Mueller testify to Congress?”
13. “Will Congress see Mueller’s underlying evidence?”
14. “Will ongoing investigations be affected?”
15. “Will Trump recognize Russia attacked our election?”

from the above link ....

Maddow then asked Mueller’s actions might have been an attempt to protect the possibility of a grand jury. She explained:
“One of the reasons it might not be proper for a prosecutor, for any prosecutor or for the Department of Justice, more broadly, to jump in and make a pronouncement that a president appears to have committed crimes is because of the possibility that that president could actually be indicted and prosecuted and put on trial for those crimes after he or she has left office.”
The MSNBC host will surely continue to ask questions about the investigation and Barr’s finding. Her quest to find answers about Trump and the Kremlin has made her a target of Russian State media. The next few weeks will reveal if there will ever be answers to her queries.

Now the video. you'll have to suffer until 16:30 when the MadCow finally talks about this so-called list. As usual she rambles on about Watergate like it's the Holy Grail of investigations

this link should start at 16:30 when this list shit begins. If you want to watch it all just restart it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
since MadCow has questions, let's help her answer them, shall we? it's the least we can do ..

5. “Why did Barr consult the DOJ office of legal counsel before deciding about obstruction?”

Because it's both DOJ policy and prudent to consult subject matter experts!

next question ....
winn dixie's Avatar
Damn i can't stand that bitch! She has got to be the ugliest and nastiest cunt on Earth!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Damn i can't stand that bitch! She has got to be the ugliest and nastiest cunt on Earth! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Second only to hildebeest.

Awwww.....c'mon. He's given us soooooooooo many great moments of viewing pleasure over the years.

Such as.....

Election Night.

Yupppp….that Road to 270 sure was tasty around midnight...wasn't it?

And who will ever forget.....?

Epic TV to be sure.

What lies ahead for the Boy Wonder....?

A new haircut?

More tears in 2020???

Stay Tuned!

Maddcow is sure to surprise!

rexdutchman's Avatar
Chaos Monkeys ,,, Or Russian AI Bots
Can we start an ongoing thread of the mad cow's talking points. I can't stand watching her, but getting some warning about what my fascist friends are going to spout is helpful and illustrative.

There is an almost perfect correlation when I have checked. Originally Posted by kehaar
To discuss her talking points she would actually have to have them.

I watch her fairly often. Best fiction in television at this point.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
madcow's boobs need to be milked thoroughly

proolly YR would do a decent job of it!
bambino's Avatar
madcow's boobs need to be milked thoroughly

proolly YR would do a decent job of it! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
He prefers fat guys.
winn dixie's Avatar
Look at her/its neck! And the shit ass grin thats always there. Not to mention how tall and gangly she is. Saw a pic of her standing sideways. Vomit!!! She has no boobs but a big ass gut! No ass in the back at all. Her long time lover is almost a big of a loser as she is.
All in all she/its a complete waste of oxygen!

Please Please no more pics of this cunt!
Thanks Waco.

I literallly can't watch her/him/it. Every time I see it on some random screen, I upchuck a little. Doing so regularly would ruin my teeth.

In essence, its new focus for hate and ratings will be getting the house to investigate Trumps past finances.

Querying my friends on their finances is going to be fun.
I pity her.

She reminds me of the general managers in meetings that finish with the phrase "more questions than answers."

Now she'll go back to highlighting some Republican that nobody's ever heard of and their controversial opinion or misstatement and how that is a danger to the GOP and/or country. For a whole 12 minute segment.