Name Change

I'm thinking that my present name - Aphrodite Amanda - is way too saccharine for who I am. I'm very romantic, not nauseatingly saccharine.

So I'm thinking of changing my name to 'Amanda Blake', which I think sounds fine and I have no knowledge that there was a serial killer out there by that name or anything. But you never know. It's be nice to discover my new name before my new site launch in a couple of weeks.

If you have any opinions/information about this please let me know. By PM or email if you like - that seems very popular!

Maybe you can suggest a better name for me? I'm very open to something better.

Amanda x (PS I think 'Amanda' is OK, 'Anastasia' is far more beautiful but too many syllables.)
Amanda Blake - Precedent.

OK I know I should have looked this up before but I'm having a very lazy Sunday and I just looked up 'Amanda Blake' on the web. There was a famous TV actress called the same and;

'In 1980, Blake was diagnosed with a form of mouth cancer. A former smoker of two-to-three packs a day,[4] in 1982 Blake spoke against smoking by testifying for new warning labels for cigarette packages, before a United State House of Representatives subcommittee: "I am a victim of oral cancer, a victim of cigarette smoking. When my doctor told me I had cancer of the mouth, I didn't believe it. I had never even heard of cancer of the mouth, yet I had it."[5] She told the subcommittee: "I believe that I would not have smoked had I seen a label on a cigarette package or in a cigarette ad that said 'Warning: Cigarette smoking may cause death from heart disease, cancer or emphysema."[5]'

Quote from Wikipedia.

I detest smoking, so maybe this is a good way to go!
London Rayne's Avatar
What about Amanda Reynolds? Macy Renee, Haylee Jacobs, Brianna Taylor...just don't use the last name "Rain" or any other version of it lol. I swear, you would think there is no other last name but that one in the hooker world! When I chose "Rayne" I was one of 2 and hers was a different spelling. Now it's like everyone can't come up with their own freaking name.
I think Amanda Blake is more interesting than Reynolds. (Long First Name equals Short Last Name , usually when you look at hollywood stars in general - forget Leonardo Di Caprio - he insisted on using this name ..) , although there is someone using the last name blake already and she is an escort too. But i think blake is the right "directions" for last names.:-). I will help and think of something tomorrow...:-) ... (just don`t go for AMANDA KNOX.... lol....)

Hey .
What about Amanda Otis? Or Amanda Satori ? Just came into my brain. I think you need a fancy last name because amanda (same as nina) is very common. That is what i did :-)
If you're romantic, but not saccharine, how about Liz Taylor. You'd take on her beauty as well as her romantic and sultry persona.
London Rayne's Avatar
Amanda in itself is a bit overused as is, so I might choose something totally different. Nina, I think it's Tylor Blake you are thinking of...Atlanta based.

Then there is Morgan Amanda which is a nice twist, but we already have one.

I like the "Ks" myself. Kaylen, Kalle, Kaitlin, Korinne, Kirsten, Kristen, etc.
How about Anna Bella? It sounds sweet, yet still sophisticated.
London Rayne's Avatar
I love Bella but too many people name their dogs that, and well...Twilight has ruined me lol.
That is so true! Why are they always naming there dogs Bella?
London Rayne's Avatar
Who knows, but that is the famous celebrity name for those ankle biter dogs. Heidi from "The Hills" and Paris both named theirs Bella at one time. A few others did too, but I can't recall.
sixxbach's Avatar
Annalicia or if u like to do anal.......... analicia

London Rayne's Avatar
LOL you freak Sixx!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Annalicia or if u like to do anal.......... analicia

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
LOL you freak Sixx! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Gotta love Sixx!

Hey Amanda, I would choose a name that is generic and isn't too long.
London Rayne's Avatar
Kaylee Kums lmao!
sixxbach's Avatar
JiggyJigga or JiggyJigger

