CNBC: Dirty Money

CivilBarrister's Avatar

Did anyone see this show?

TER was the only review site mentioned

I did see a few Provider Ads that I recognized.

It wasn't completely one-sided, as in anti-prostitution (until the end)

It was interesting - mostly about the HDH world.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
The media is so funny.... they usually can't talk about the Hobby without including "Human Trafficing, under age girls etc. so they do a piece in the opposite direction... "While most Americans are unemployed and in financial straights... women are making a fortune by charging more for sex than your mortgage..."

What cracks me up are the articles about wives being "unpaid" sex workers who are also performing six other job functions at the same time and would be paid hundreds of thousands of dollars a year if they were "working" for someone besides their husbands... hell, I can shoot a ball through the hoop... by their logic I should be compensated like an NBA Allstar...

The media and providers have something in common... they both know what excites their customers...
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Agreed. Just try to discuss legalizing prostitution and pictures of little girls on the street with needles in their arms or "pimps" beating the shit out of them or trafficking is all we see.

BTW, you should be compensated like an NBA Allstar; I should be compensated like one on the PGA tour.
It's not really "new" news.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
It's not really "new" news. Originally Posted by RebeccaRothko
No, but most of the documentaries are more like "Hookers at the Point" and similar crap.

Its awareness and although somewhat glamorized, it at least shows a different side to the industry.

Maybe in my lifetime....
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
No, but most of the documentaries are more like "Hookers at the Point" and similar crap.

Its awareness and although somewhat glamorized, it at least shows a different side to the industry.

Maybe in my lifetime.... Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Hobbyists take a different tack though... they say ...hmmm.. she charges $$.5 per session and she has 4 sessions a day 4 X 250 =1,000, and she works 365 days a year ... OMG... she makes $365 K per year... plus tips... So they ask for a discount...
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Hobbyists take a different tack though... they say ...hmmm.. she charges $$.5 per session and she has 4 sessions a day 4 X 250 =1,000, and she works 365 days a year ... OMG... she makes $365 K per year... plus tips... So they ask for a discount... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
That is SUCH an exaggeration! TMFT, I am really surprised at you!.

We all know that all the providers are LOW volume and they only see 1....MAYbe 2 guys a a, ah, something like that.

BTW, how successful are you getting a discount when you start explaining the math.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
That is SUCH an exaggeration! TMFT, I am really surprised at you!.

We all know that all the providers are LOW volume and they only see 1....MAYbe 2 guys a a, ah, something like that.

BTW, how successful are you getting a discount when you start explaining the math. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
No problem... I just say "I'm DearHunter and you're a hooktard... and they usually cave... or I say I'm CivilBarrister and I'm going to educate you and they say Oh, God they told me there would be no math... messed up one time though and said I' RatBoyJam and you charge too damn much... huge mistake...
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I was at one of the Socials the LilRedBrat put on and the Rat introduced himself to a lady as Texas Gator....all she said was "WOW you lost a lot of weight since the last time I saw you".
dearhunter's Avatar
No problem... I just say "I'm DearHunter and you're a hooktard... and they usually cave... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
TMFT is a smooth talker............I'm glad I could be of assistance.