Providers vouching?

Omari's Avatar
  • Omari
  • 07-06-2010, 09:26 AM
Why don't providers respond to other providers request regarding a vouch?
ibechill's Avatar
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Lazy, don't want the competition, they say they don't know the lady calling and they are "protecting" the hobbyist",

And the ones who don't provide a vouch won't respond here.
Good question and are probably right

Those are the providers we need to know about, especially for the new guys here
Omari's Avatar
  • Omari
  • 07-06-2010, 09:39 AM
And the ones who don't provide a vouch won't respond here.[/QUOTE]

We all know who post a lot here so it should be easy to figure it out.
carkido45's Avatar
It happens in the hobby and providers are leary when it comes to vouching and they just don't trust that many people.
Put yourself in their shoes would you and sometimes they just plain forget who you are you are just another guy.
Why don't you ask the providers who aren't giving you a vouch what the problem is?
Maybe it's there policy not vouch
Maybe it got caught up in the spam folder.

The few times I used provider references the girls were quick and courteous!

A client contacted me in advance and asked if I would provide a reference for him to which I jokingly responded "Oh, I'm sad you're not scheduling with me... Of course I'll give you a glowing reference!" He's a great guy, I've known him for years, why not? Sadly, she never contacted me. Which reminds me that I am curious to know how the visit went if it went at all... during our last visit we discussed some of his other experiences, that's always fun!
Omari's Avatar
  • Omari
  • 07-06-2010, 09:44 AM
This came up in another thread so I'm asking the question to see if any ladies will respond.
Umh, here are a few reasons why some providers don't verify...

1. The provider contacts them asking about Joe Blow but doesnt provide his name, number, handle etc.

2. Provider contacts you without verifying who SHE is, just asks if Joe Blow is LE lol (providers dont randomly give out clients info, so if we cant verify the provider we wont bother replying)

3. Providers travel and often aren't able to check their mail as often as possible

Other reasons could be the provider thinks they are going to lose business so wont respond Which I think is dumb, if the client only has you and another provider as a ref. he's going to find out sooner than later that you didnt verify him and not see you again.

And some providers are simply lazy lol and just dont respond.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Back when CK and I were getting vouches for socials, it was like pulling teeth to get well known providers to give a vouch for a guy.

P411 has a great system for getting and giving vouches.
IF the guy was a good guy (nice, clean, courteous), I see no good reason for the provider not to give him a vouch. I would guess that most guys here use a handle so the lady in question can identify them. I will say it again....if I saw a lady and she would not give me a vouch....that would be the last time I would see her. I will even take it one step farther. I would tell others.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I agree with you TBone2u.

And Sub Cilla, I understand that if you saw a guy a LONG time ago, and only 1 time, it is very possible that you wouldn't remember him, especially if you don't keep records (LIKE HOPEFULLY MOST LADIES DON'T)

But the problem is when guys write a provider, and give more detailed info, as in approximate date, description etc and then the lady still doesn't give a vouch - that causes a lot of the irritation.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Most providers will refuse to admit that they had a session with me... but then when they openly admit they saw RatBoyJam... that really hurts ...
Guest091710's Avatar
I agree with you TBone2u.

And Sub Cilla, I understand that if you saw a guy a LONG time ago, and only 1 time, it is very possible that you wouldn't remember him, especially if you don't keep records (LIKE HOPEFULLY MOST LADIES DON'T)

But the problem is when guys write a provider, and give more detailed info, as in approximate date, description etc and then the lady still doesn't give a vouch - that causes a lot of the irritation. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
i totally agree.
dearhunter's Avatar
Since I rarely hobby as dearhunter, I cannot get a vouch as dearhunter........if a hobbyist has a p411 account, vouching becomes less of an issue.

The vouch in of itself is a tricky thing............I have often wondered how many of the gents actually thinck that ladies remember them based on a single visit...........maybe after two or three

In order for a provider to give a legitimate vouch on a handle that she saw once three months ago, she would have to keep records.................need I say more?