Nikki hit me up- Rochester gents able to help?

Forfwb's Avatar
So, the girl I reviewed last “slim pixie” hit me up looking for some help for a hotel / date. My money apps are all messed up and I’m out of town if anyone is trying to hit her up her number is 607-302-3943
pimpin ain't easy....
sin.di.vine's Avatar
Omg! I'm embarrassed for him
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Embarrassed for him, yet she’s homeless whew
Forfwb's Avatar
Honestly, not pimpin, idk why there’s a need for embarrassment? She text me asking for help said I’d make a post for her.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Not embarrassing at all, no idea how this could even be interpreted that way. I find shilling for board celebrity prostitutes hundreds of times more nauseating. Especially when fellow whores do it.
sin.di.vine's Avatar
I'm sure she will have a line outside her...
Those who throw stones shouldn’t live in glass houses.
sin.di.vine's Avatar
Are drones on the north side made of glass?
Or perhaps your home planet calling you back home.
jokacz's Avatar
She's got a dick??
Oh Honey, Drones aren’t made of glass. Not even on the North Side.

Sorry I have to go now .... my home planet of Vampiric Sex Kittens has sent for me. Finally.

Frank Fucks It Right's Avatar
Originally Posted by jokacz
Kind of a dud actually. Too bad.
Naughty.Nikki's Avatar
The old hoes lackluster events in Syracuse are embarrassing
The old hoes lackluster events in Syracuse are embarrassing Originally Posted by Naughty.Nikki
They're no parade... that's fer sure....