The hobby STORY thread….

queenV's Avatar
Let’s make Eccie again fun….
I am wanting to hear everyone stories and adventures in the hobby..
Craziest date, ONLY good please, funniest date or kinkiest one!
I can’t wait, I’m sitting here all excited!
vegasbaby7's Avatar
I've had a 3day, 4day, & 5day date in Las Vegas. Definitely the highlights of my my hobbying which began by visiting Sheri's Ranch in 2011. Can't really pick a favorite of the 3, but the 4day was most recent so I'll go with that one. Have a 5day date in Vegas with the same lady scheduled early next year & can't wait!
Someone told me to give their n* cum when I was finishing.

1. She was white
2. I'm not black.
3. What the fuck.

Confused, offended, and orgasming is not the combo of feelings to have all at once.
queenV's Avatar
I’m confused as well..I’m sorry you had that experience. I’m hoping you have had WAY better dares since than!
queenV's Avatar
That sounds like a fabulous date, I would love a week of pleasure and fun!
One time I was in a hotel room with a provider. We gotten undressed and I was lying on the bed. She was about to give me a blow job when suddenly she asks”Are you married?” I said Yes and she got up and went into the bathroom.

I followed her in there and she was washing her mouth using water from the sink. I asked her if something was wrong and she smiled and said:
“I don’t want to get lipstick on you honey.”
My ATF in St Louis wanted to do something special for me for my birthday. She asked me to set aside 3 hours and give her 3 names of women who I wanted to see, but had not. I arrived for my "party" we did some small talk for 15 minutes, then there was a know on the door, In comes one of the ladies on my list. We played for a half hour, then she was gone. Recouped, got dressed, then 15 minutes into the 2nd hour another know, another of the ladies on my list. Yes, 15 minutes into the third hour the last lady on the list arrived.
DallasRain's Avatar
I had a date with a gent long long time ago in new orleans
we hopped on the streetcar and I gave him a handjob in the backseat!

same guy..
next week..we went to swingers club where i proceed to be nekkid n flirtatous all night lol!! i even got spankins from several chicks!!


i had a gent who asked me to slap his face a bunch of times and put safety pins in his nipples!


i had a gent who had a birthday and wanted to do something really out of the,the hotel i was in had a big jacuzzi tub,so we filled it up with bubbles and pop rocks and colored body bathbombs...we then lit the room up with alot of candles... we donned blindfolds and dimmed the lights... that was an erotic bubble bath!!!!

i had a gent who asked me to slap his face a bunch of times and put safety pins in his nipples!

Originally Posted by DallasRain

When I was younger I wasnt in the hobby but did some SW for quick cash on the side. I got stopped by a cop in central California one night. I had some Staff edit The Dr so was worried but he brought me to some quiet spot and paid me to step on his face. Like grind my boots into his mouth. Gave me way too much money.
Not sure if this story is fun or not
dumars's Avatar
After living with my last girlfriend for a while I decided to go out for some “strange”. Got ‘er done! After getting back to the house and messing around for an hour or three I went to the bathroom to piss. After I unzipped I discover, OH SHIT!, I forgot to take off the condom!
Someone told me to give their n* cum when I was finishing.

1. She was white
2. I'm not black.
3. What the fuck.

Confused, offended, and orgasming is not the combo of feelings to have all at once. Originally Posted by ughiphopfan
Maybe she was just having a fantasy about bbc while doing you. Its ok. HAHAHa
I'd always wanted to meet KLN. I always missed her visits to KC and ironically I was working in Memphis the same week she was there, so we finally got to meet. Got to her room, walked in and she had her swing set set up (I was unaware). I was nervous as hell, wondering what did I sign up for and what was gonna happen. I made it out just fine, but I later realized, that's where the K comes into play. She is amazing.
ElumEno's Avatar
When I was younger I wasnt in the hobby but did some SW for quick cash on the side. I got stopped by a cop in central California one night. I had some weed so was worried but he brought me to some quiet spot and paid me to step on his face. Like grind my boots into his mouth. Gave me way too much money.
Not sure if this story is fun or not Originally Posted by sixfootsixpunk
This has me really confused - are you a guy who did SW for some fast cash or did you just give up your Mandle?
First Time was My First Time

Joined the Navy out of high school, and things are not going well for our hero. I have the weekend off so I rent a hotel room to get off the ship. I'm feeling a bit dejected because the next day I'll turn 19; no party and still a virgin. It dawns on me that there is an escort section in the yellow pages. I make a call and sure enough they'll send someone over shortly. I'm like what the fuck. How is this real.

She arrives and looks like she just stepped out of a Van Halen video, so now I'm double freaked out. Looking back on it, I'm sure I looked like a deer caught in headlights. She takes the lead, gets on top, and our hero is defeated in short order. I remember just sitting up, staring at the TV, and thinking so that's what that is. I'm sure she said bye and I hope I said thanks, but I have no recollection of that; just staring at the TV like an idiot.

From Innocent Idiot to Actual Idiot

Now I'm in my mid-20s and I've been around the block a few times; can't pull the wool over my eyes! I'm headed home from a strip club when out of the corner of my eye I see what appears to be a hooker on the side of the road naked from the waist up. WTF I've seen the documentaries in other cities with scantily clad street walkers but never in person. This calls for further investigation. A quick U-turn and sure enough there she is standing in a vacant lot. I pull up and she enters my window; half in half out. She immediately starts rubbing my crotchel area. We're making small talk for a few minutes when she asks me if I have a condom. As exciting as it all was it was also a bit too seedy for my tastes and as I don't have a condom I'll be off the hook. I say I don't. She says ok bye and I'm back on the road. Now all the way home I'm thinking what a great country this is until I get home to empty my pockets. Of course, I discover the $200 I had in my pocket is no longer there. I was mad for about a minute but then had a good laugh over it. I didn't know I was paying for an education, but I got one anyway.