Anyone have the 411 on Asus-type Laptop for sale or trade???

I need to buy a laptop like the Asus notebook (2.4 GHZ) or something equivelent to a refurbished one. It was recently stolen from my car and I need to replace it ASAP. I bought it at Best Buy for around $550. I would like this one a little better than (but at least equal to) the one I had before. If anyone has any spare laptops like this, or perhaps sells them or knows someone honest who does, I could sure use your help!
Here are the specs:
Asus-Refurbished Laptop / Intel® Core™ i3 Processor / 17" Display / 4GB Memory / 500G

It had facial Recognition Security on It! I would love to have that too if possible!
Thanks everyone!
jframe2's Avatar
Ebay is your friend when shopping for Tech. Best place in the world to get a handle on the going price for anything.

Look around on Ebay find what you are needing and it's price. Then with that knowledge go to your local new and used stores and start shopping. And do not be afraid to dicker with any salesman. The bigbox store salesmen are usually on commission and usually will knock something down from the price to make a sale. Really the same goes for the local Mom and Pop Tech stores.

And, just like buying a car, always shop at the end of the month. People are looking for cash at the end of the month because the next months bills are in their faces.

Good luck,