I'm moving to Dallas soon and want to know is racial discrimination against blacks a frequent occurrence with escorts/independent massage providers/at massage parlors?
As a side note, before anyone starts with "providers have personal preference just as hobbyists do", please allow me to say you're not exactly mixing apples with apples...hobbyists generally choose providers primarily on their physical attractiveness, reputation, and donation...maybe not in that order for some but those are the main contributing factors. With providers... eehh, not so much. The 65 year old, 50 pound overweight, balding, and down right physically unattractive hobbyist probably isn't any providers "type" and wouldn't have a chance with a lot of the women on here if it weren't for this hobby.
So while many would argue that this isn't racism, I would most certainly argue that this race-based discrimination is racism and is nothing more than certain providers manifesting their racism, subconsciously or otherwise.
Any comments or opinions whether they differ from mine or not are more than welcome, and also information on if this discrimination is common place or not would be nice to know. Thanks for your time and I look forward to reading your replies.