You Lucky Dawg.......

WOW...!! Which one of you very lucky guy's had the dinner date Friday nite at a 4+ star restaurant on Central Ave..When our party was seated I spotted a very beautiful late 20's girl in a tight mini that had horizontal slits from top to bottom..Fellas this was not an outfit for 30 degree Albany weather.No flesh colored fabric behind the slits, I had a great view.This dress is one you'd find in Miami or California clubs. Now I know I'm retired from the hobby for a few reasons but she would seriously make me cum back for a second career.WE made eye to eye contact several times including a very flirty smile when leaving.I did not recognize her from past encounters or from any posts I have seen ,but I am searching .If she was a regular date He (you) are one lucky dude, If you read this and can tell me time, location ,and seating location ,and of course are willing to share P M me..I.ll start saving....
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