ease spa stay away

for the time being you will be ok.. but a American spa in the capital district is doomed lol.. one thing we know capital district cops are good at is busting prostuitution and lets face it none of them have a massage licenses so thats even better they will get a felony charge too . the asian ones they let slide a lot more just for the fact its hard to trace and communicate with them... once nys reopens and the covid thing calms down... bam they are going in.. fuck they might even go in before. all said and done these chat sites help them out more than us... if you don't think Joe the detective doesn't check these sites everyday you are fooling yourself. I wouldn't want to be at the ease spa when the cops came...un like the asians ones they can't communicate with... ally or desire will sell you out in heart beat if a cop offers them a deal lol..
Good point. Has someone ever brought up this scenario with them? I was always convinced the owner had some top cops or councilmen in their pockets. I mean, they have managed to stay open for so long despite a ton of open reviews and w/o a license. But this is new heights (or lows)...I mean opening in the middle of a pandemic when the State is under lockdown, that takes some steel balls. Even most AMP’s wouldn’t risk it. Unless they justify this as an essential business..I would luv to see that argument in court..lol.
I was chatting with Ally one day via text and she said that there was a cop there at that moment poking around. Obviously he didn't do anything, but yes they are aware of the place. FTP.
There dotting there i's and crossing there t's before they bust it lol...I guarantee it when they do bust it they are gonna wait and make sure some patrons are in there.. one reason is too ruin their massage lol and 2 is to try to bust them for patronizing a prostitue ... its basically of when not if with this place. hopefully that cop didn't get inside and get a camera in there and we have our own Robert. craft scenario up here lol
I stopped going to ease at the beginning of March because I thought that the place was getting way to much publicity and we all know that uncle leo watches these sites. I can’t believe that they would be open now with everything closed down. As tempting as it would be to go see Desiree I have to think with the right head.
Hello. New here. Let me cut to the chase. Yesterday around 5:45pm I was driving passed Ease heading towards downtown Troy. A half mile down two police cruisers were going fast the other way. I was curious and made a U turn and tried to see where they were going. As I passed Ease again, they were coming out of a side street and pulled into the Ease parking lot. I pulled over and called the Spa, but no one answered. I passed one more time and it didn't look like the officers got out of their vehicles. But I feel maybe something is coming, maybe next weekend. I would love to go there from all I've heard about it, but not after seeing that. Someone who knows Desiree should pass this on to her, if she doesn't already know.
its coming for sure.. think about if your a troy pd.. do you wanna be doing a investgastion of a drug dealer or an illegal spa lol. and lets face it they are guys and they wanna piss us off because they can't use it lol
the sad thing is those poor girls are gonna get hammered in fines plus possibility of jail.. so if they were hurting for money before they will be really hurting.. they would of been better off not even opening up...felonies for illegal massages ... probably no license to operate a business and shit im sure uncle Leo has about 4 or 5 charges up there sleeves... and what judge is gonna easy on them unless they. make a deal or do a reverse sting on you fuckers lol better watch out..maybe they will work will Leo to bust you...swoop in right when you agree on the price of the deed its happened before and ease spa is good candidate
They are also openly advertising sex. Idiots.
I thought Ally was the only one there that put out?
I thought Ally was the only one there that put out? Originally Posted by Warrenajeffers
Never been but STG has constant ads by them