YMMV - your mileage may vary

YMMV (your mileage may vary) = your ability to obtain the desired sexual/physical/emotional services from the providers you play with.

Ways to achieve high mileage- arrangements made with provider, multiple visits, good sex where both parties are satisfied, sometimes you just connect, more money, and good looking/good physique/good hygiene/respectful/good personality.

Ways to not achieve high mileage- one visit client expecting everything a regular gets, low baller expecting high mileage, poor hygiene/rude/dead fish/no personality, and sometimes you just don't jeehaw together no matter what.

Sometimes I/you get PM's saying they didn't do this with me, what kind of services did you get, do they bareback, etc., as I'm sure many others do. And the answer is YMMV, see above.

Comments and other perspectives appreciated. Hobby on you nasty mongers. Woohoo!!