Hey Dorian_Gray

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Not to be confused with beautifully full of myself, ever the egoist, never aging, narcissistic, always shit talking, "man, that guys the bitch I knew he was" self.

How are those P411.com request you are sending out to the hookers working for ya?

I know you almost.... nah, not even almost caught one slipping. You really should do a little bit research & thought into trying to hijack an internet persona. Especially when that persona isn't an internet persona at all. Everyone knows I'm a minority. "Maybe he's born with it or maybe it's Maybelline." Though I do think it may be hard to pull of this beautiful skin tone full body wise from a bottle.

So this is our one warning.

Walk away now & crawl back under that rock with the other amoebic slime with unoriginal ideas, Dorian_Gray.
dearhunter's Avatar
D_G just wants to be like you
D_G just wants to be like you Originally Posted by dearhunter

pyramider's Avatar
DG is a worthless twatsickle... ijs.
Russ38's Avatar
Wakeup's Avatar
I'm a little confused why the mods are allowing this to happen...this isn't just a similar name...it's someone using the board to affect someone's reputation...
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Now he wants to play the I didn't know this name was being actively used. I thought it got taken but the other DG never posted. 12000+, bitch.

Is this where I get to use 'protip':
When you're scheduling & they ask for you to send a PM from your ICKY account.
Going suddenly quiet.... Not the smartest of moves
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-22-2014, 06:44 AM
Besides picking the same name what has he done to offend you? As you said he has no post. It'd be up to the ladies to put just a little effort in checking the guy out they would see he ain't you. Has he tried to tie himself directly to you when he contacts the ladies? If he has that's an issue. But otherwise its just a name.
Wakeup's Avatar

Play catchup before you post...
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-22-2014, 06:48 AM
If I cared enough I would
Wakeup's Avatar
Then don't be surprised when you look a fool...
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Now he wants to play the I didn't know this name was being actively used. I thought it got taken but the other DG never posted. 12000+, bitch.

Is this where I get to use 'protip':
When you're scheduling & they ask for you to send a PM from your ICKY account.
Going suddenly quiet.... Not the smartest of moves Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Wait just a gotdamn minute! You mean that's not YOU that I'm about to Grudge Fuck next week????? How dare he get my pussy all excited only to let me down, the nerve! Oh well, DG I'm adding this to our grudgefest (thanks to your wannabe)...
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 07-22-2014, 07:53 AM
Damn! Next we'll have another Wakeupy, dearhunner, or God knows what else!!!
This site is going to hell in a hand basket.
oilman12's Avatar
I 2nd that...yawn...
If I cared enough I would Originally Posted by Trey
Wakeup's Avatar
I 2nd that...yawn... Originally Posted by oilman12
No worries man...your don't have to worry about your rep with those $100 skanks you fuck.