The Electorial College Thing Will Be Like Y2-K

Remember the big "non event" at the turn of the Century. The World as we know it was supposed to end.

It didn't.

Trump will be President.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Remember the big "non event" at the turn of the Century. The World as we know it was supposed to end.

It didn't.

Trump will be President. Originally Posted by Jackie S
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump will be President. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The Gruberized, mindless, hysterical HillaryNoMore loyalists ..

... will regret this charade.

I suspect Romney does today!
I wonder what fake news story the Dims will disseminate on the fake news sites next.

LexusLover's Avatar
#YesHesYourPresident Originally Posted by gnadfly
In the words of one of the "deplorable" plant workers who had voted Democratic all these years ... "we don't expect him to get it all done in four years as long as he works at it in the 1st four!" *

... He's already "working at it"!

His "thank you tour" is the first leg of his 2020 campaign.

*BTW: He commented that they were impressed if THE FACT that Trump paid them a visit at their plant, when HillaryNoMore DIDN'T!

The Liberals are showing their true colors! Just a bunch of pussies.
Looks like things are going as planned. The only "defectors" are from the Clinton camp.

I guess there are a few Democrats who see her for the despicable, lying, condescending, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling cunt that she is.

Hey Martin Sheen........Donald Trump is going to be President.
LexusLover's Avatar
The only "defectors" are from the Clinton camp.

........Donald Trump is going to be President. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Two defectors from the Texas Electors ... from the "Trump Camp."


guy fawkes's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
done deal. the rule of Emperor Donald the First .. er President Trump has begun.
LexusLover's Avatar
done deal. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
It was in the cards since August. It's time to get back to work.
So it seems there were a total of 10 "defectors" two Republican electors, both from Texas ..... and eight Democrat electors, four from Washington state and one each from Minnesota, Maine, Hawaii, and Colorado ..... ironically it was the other 36 electors from Texas whose votes pushed Trump over the 270 vote threshold to clinch the Electoral College victory ..... is Texas the greatest state or what? ..... however in the "those who won't ever get it so don't even try to explain it to them" category ..... Shawn Torris , a democrat elector from California wrote: " It just seems so undemocratic to me that people other than the voters get to choose who leads the country." .....
  • DSK
  • 12-20-2016, 07:22 AM
Remember the big "non event" at the turn of the Century. The World as we know it was supposed to end.

It didn't.

Trump will be President. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Good call!!
What's fucking hilarious is that despite the efforts of various loonies and washed-up celebs, the angry, raging hildebeest suffered more elector defections than The Donald.

Just another in a long series of events that calls to mind the old adage, "be careful what you wish for!"
LexusLover's Avatar
What's fucking hilarious is that despite the efforts of various loonies and washed-up celebs, the angry, raging hildebeest suffered more elector defections than The Donald.

Just another in a long series of events that calls to mind the old adage, "be careful what you wish for!" Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
"the Russians did it"!!!!

Threatened, bribed, and intimidated them into changing their votes!