July 18th, 1969...the day that Ted Kennedy ended his presidential ambitions

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
and Mary Joe died by his hand. Yep, it's been 53 years to the day that sodden Teddy (that's before he went into the water) drove his car into the tidal pool at Chappaquiddick. He, like the coward that he was, abandoned the young women to die in the back of the car. He claims to have wandered for hours in a daze, but we have photos of him reporting the accident immaculately groomed in a white tennis sweater. The mortician (there was no official autopsy by a forensic doctor) testified that Mary Joe's lung were empty of water though she had drowned. His guess, someone had tried to resuscitate her, failed, and put her back into the car for reasons unknown.
For the Kennedy family, karma has been a real bitch
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The Kennedy's covered up something?

The hell you say!


(PS - Teddy was never gonna be president.)
You also said Trump wouldn't be President....
Teddy Kennedy. “The Hero Of Chappaquiddick”

He saved the life of a United States Senator.

He also defeated alcoholism. It has been 13 years since he had a drink.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
he died of brain cancer. the rot in his brain finally got him.