Nurse Jackie a no show

I had been watching the backpage ads on Nurse Jackie for quite some time. She had some older reviews that made her look like fun but she is based near Willowbrook which is a 40 minute drive for me and with a great selection of ladies on the northside, I hadn't previously the time or inclination to make the drive.

But Saturday I had both the time and inclination so I called Jackie. She answered promptly and politely and had an extremely pleasant voice. I was sad to learn she was just leaving to fulfill another commitment. But she sounded so inviting I asked if she'd be working Sunday to which she replied 12 to 12. I suggested 1, but was so excited to see her I told her my afternoon was free and if another time would work better I'd do it. She said 1 was fine and we agreed I'd call at 12:45 from the Willowbrook area.

So Sunday I drove out to Willowbrook and called at 12:45. No answer. Voicemail full. I called again at 12:55, 1:00, and 1:10. No answer. Voicemail full. I even tried to call later around 7:00 to see if something had gone wrong. No answer. Voicemail full.

As far as I am concerned, Nurse Jackie has a pretty poor bedside manner. Thank goodness there are lots of wonderful women out there to nurse me back to health in Houston.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Yes. Sorry. I have trouble posting the links on a mobile device.
you know looking at the thread title I thought you were talking about this Nurse Jackie.

I love that show! lol

carkido45's Avatar
She's not that hot.
I think she did you a favor and saved you some coin