Possible Jackson trip in the making!

Hey guys and gals, I'm heading to Hburg this Friday and was tinkering with the idea of going to Jackson upon checkout Saturday morning and spending the night there. Now, I'm NOT familiar with the area at ALL and I'm a bit of a sissy when traveling solo. So I wanted to get some feedback and see if you ladies fair well in that area? Also, I wanted to know if there is any interest from the gents in Jackson; I'd hate to drive another 2 hours to sit in my room by myself all day bored to bits!

Any info would be super helpful!!
you could always go up with me monday sweetie! you can sleep in the bed with me too!
raedy4funn45's Avatar
Is there room for me too?
oh baby, i can make a double happen with calista if you want too, she is over my house now and we are getting ready to take some pics together so the guys can see just HOW WELL we get along together!
that and to get her some new solo pics as well as myself
raedy4funn45's Avatar
You are putting ideas into my head!
Isn't that what I'm supposed to do?
raedy4funn45's Avatar
yes... I am easily corrupted!

2 may kill me
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar

You know what they say, Just Do IT!

You'll die with a smile on your face.

Ahhh I love that shot you're using Mina! Doubles are always fun with you, I'm down to play WHENEVER!
oh im thinking the kissy pic with me and you will be the new av
AHhhh LOVE the ass up one you have up right now!! I don't think you sent me the kissy one, I bet it's sexy though! I JUST downloaded them from inbox to comp, I'll get to blurring and such now, and hopfully have them ready by tonight.

The Jackson thing is wishy washy, looks like I'll even have to postpone the Hattiesburg trip until Saturday as it is.. UGH! Traveling even just a bit is SUCH a mission for me.. I'm trying to get it together though.
You know, I might get myself a good cam.. I think I have a knack for taking pics! Damn you look hot!
Hehe, I'm looking toward to foaming at the crotch, I mean mouth when u put the ones i took up! The double today wad super fun!
biomed1's Avatar
Freudian slip???

Curious minds want to know....

The double today wad super fun!
Glad to hear you had a "wad" of fun!

Be Careful & Enjoy!
