Fun Poolice Repository

Since Upset NY (and it's band of merry misfits) is viewed as such a scourge of the site, we should have a Repository that keeps a record of our hoorible transgressions......

So let's start this off with an example from the Chief of the Fun Poolice:

Why did my recommendation get erased when all the others are ok? Originally Posted by KaylaRyder
#27 - ECCIE policy regarding the discussion of competing websites is intended to exhibit a straight-forward and simple approach. We do not disallow mention of other sites here at ECCIE, however we ask that you limit those discussions to the "Other Hobby Sites" thread located in the Member Suggestions and Feedback forum. This is the area that we have designated as being an appropriate outlet for these types of discussions. Posts of this nature made in other forums throughout the board will be merged into this location. If you find these types of posts in your local forums, please use the RTM function to report them to staff. Originally Posted by Wakeup
Except he missed:


Not sure if these was overlooked or WOS....
Or maybe they weren't rtm'd??
please try to keep the discussion in the review threads about the girl who got reviewed.
if you want to discuss other providers please start a new thread in the proper forum.

Don't hi-jack reviews discussing other providers.

on earth
PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk

this gotyour panties wadded



I never typed your fat girlfriend was catfish , rearead it ... slowly

I gave a suggestion to the whore reviewed to try and stop hiding the gut

and just own it

was actually complimenting your whale Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Lexy gut is way worse in person. She is so fat I regret the fact I saw her last year instead of just going home and the reason I have not reviewed her. She looks like the girl I would if severely drunk hit on at the last minute because I didn't get anyone that day combined with the fact drunk me will fuck anything. Originally Posted by randombl
OMG Loki --- I didn't know you were such an overachiever!!!

Look at all these threads you've clesed!!!
You even clese them in Texass!!!

Omaha Nebraska!!!
And why clese this one??
Started on 11-25-2017, 12:25 PM
post #8 on 11-27-2017, 09:44 AM (Two days later for the mathematically challenged)

And... then clesed by you on 12-13-2017, 04:03 PM
some 12 days before maturity!!! Quick on the trigger much?

Then on to NOLA --
And.... thanks for the idea!!!

please try to keep the discussion in the review threads about the girl who got reviewed.
if you want to discuss other providers please start a new thread in the proper forum.

Don't hi-jack reviews discussing other providers.

on earth
PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Inversion's Avatar
OMG Loki --- I didn't know you were such an overachiever!!!

Look at all these threads you've clesed!!!
You even clese them in Texass!!!

Omaha Nebraska!!!
And why clese this one??
Started on 11-25-2017, 12:25 PM
post #8 on 11-27-2017, 09:44 AM (Two days later for the mathematically challenged)

And... then clesed by you on 12-13-2017, 04:03 PM
some 12 days before maturity!!! Quick on the trigger much?

Then on to NOLA -- Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Now we just need a staff edit Moderator staff edit to show us their big Golden fungus-infected foot.
Inversion's Avatar
Now we just need a staff edit Moderator staff edit to show us their big Golden fungus-infected foot. Originally Posted by Inversion
You see Paulie, I knew Loki would come here just on time! Can we say Amen???
cowboy8055's Avatar
Except he missed:


Not sure if these was overlooked or WOS....
Or maybe they weren't rtm'd?? Originally Posted by Paulwantsya

I'll go with WOS
Inversion's Avatar
Loki came around the Big Hill, cleasin' them old threads and throwin' em to the shithill. We all know' they gotta' go, old threads burnin'like firebombs in a watermill, they just' gotta go.