Bush Tortured, Obama Murders - Noam Chomsky

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I like this guy. At least he's consistent.


I am for droning not water boarding
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ah, yes. Let's kill them, rather than find out they might be innocent. And with the drones we have the added benefit of killing bystanders, like children. A much better plan.
Bush already declared war on them.If you are at war fuck it kill them. There were so many in Iraq that were caught turned over to the Iraq's and were caught again and again because they turned them loose.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Then let's kill all of them at once. Why wait?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A correction. Bush and the democratic Congress declared war on them including Senator Hillary Clinton.

At least Bush got information. Obama is just trying to get political brownie points.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'd still like to why people are outraged at torture, but are ok with killing? Makes no sense to me.
A correction. Bush and the democratic Congress declared war on them including Senator Hillary Clinton.

At least Bush got information. Obama is just trying to get political brownie points. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

OMG barleyfart of course they did if anyone opposed the war they were labeled unpatriotic and soft on terror.If you had any data to the oppose it you were outed.If you didn't have a American flag pin on your lapel you were unpatriotic.In this environment who in their right mind who wanted to continue in politics would oppose it????
I'd still like to why people are outraged at torture, but are ok with killing? Makes no sense to me. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Killing is more humane Did John McCain disclose anything after all the torture he endured?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, better to be killed if you are NEAR a suspected terrorist, even though you never had anything to do with terrorism, than for the suspect to be captured without injury to bystanders, and subjected to enhanced interrogation methods.

Only in a liberal's mind would that make any sense.
So, better to be killed if you are NEAR a suspected terrorist, even though you never had anything to do with terrorism, than for the suspect to be captured without injury to bystanders, and subjected to enhanced interrogation methods.

Only in a liberal's mind would that make any sense. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Liberal ,shit you never let anything sink in. Well Zimmerman didn't capture Martin did he? It is why I won't hang with you when Munchie targets you.LOL
joe bloe's Avatar
Chomsky is a real hard core radical America hater. I'm posting an essay David Horowitz wrote about Chomsky back in 2001. Horowitz thinks Chomsky is pond scum. I'm a huge fan of David Horowitz.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Liberal ,shit you never let anything sink in. Well Zimmerman didn't capture Martin did he? It is why I won't hang with you when Munchie targets you.LOL Originally Posted by ekim008
If Munchie targets me, the safest place to be will be right in front of him!

I B Hankering's Avatar
Chomsky is a real hard core radical America hater. I'm posting an essay David Horowitz wrote about Chomsky back in 2001. Horowitz thinks Chomsky is pond scum. I'm a huge fan of David Horowitz.

http://archive.frontpagemag.com/read...px?ARTID=24447 Originally Posted by joe bloe
Chomsky is communist trash!!!!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Chomsky is communist trash!!!!! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Nobody's perfect. Geez, you guys are picky.