Agency STD screens for the Girls

I am sure to receive some smartie pants comments in reply to this but I am going to ask anyway.

Does anyone know how well the agency girls are screened for health and STDs. I always use protection during FS but as many others do, I enjoy DATY and DATO. After a busy week I was thinking to myself and realized I hadn't noticed any disclaimers in the ads that address this. (ie STD Free or DDF)

Any thoughts?
Dorian Gray's Avatar
#16 - Posting about/Speculating about another person's medical condition is strictly forbidden. If a member encounters a medical issue and would like to get feedback from others or share it with the community, this would be allowed, but under no circumstances is a member to discuss or state anything about another member in this regard, unless it is in response to a question posed by that member.
I am sure to receive some smartie pants comments in reply to this but I am going to ask anyway.

Does anyone know how well the agency girls are screened for health and STDs. I always use protection during FS but as many others do, I enjoy DATY and DATO. After a busy week I was thinking to myself and realized I hadn't noticed any disclaimers in the ads that address this. (ie STD Free or DDF)

Any thoughts? Originally Posted by hobby_hound
They are there to make money, not wait time and money. Plus, what DG said...
Wakeup's Avatar
No agency does anything like that...
#16 - Posting about/Speculating about another person's medical condition is strictly forbidden. If a member encounters a medical issue and would like to get feedback from others or share it with the community, this would be allowed, but under no circumstances is a member to discuss or state anything about another member in this regard, unless it is in response to a question posed by that member. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray

Understood, I am very simply asking if anyone knows if the girls are screened. I am in no way mentioning/hinting/pointing fingers at anyone. It is just something I am curious about. Just to be clear, I do not think or suspect that anyone I have encountered has any condition that anyone should be concerned with. This is just a matter of curiosity
No one does that. Ask when you call, but I doubt either way you get an honest answer.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Even if they did say so, would you believe them? It's not like these things are regulated anyone can say anything they want.

Would you prefer some false sense of security?
This is not the porn industry where they screen every 10 days and if you get an "inconclusive" result you do not work till you get a "negative"

turn the idea around.. you are essentially asking to see a test result for a lady who might see 2-4 guys a day on a real busy day.. .they do not have time to get tested and wait after each guy.. they COULD ask to see yours but how often do you go out and frolick?

you gonna wait the 10 days for the results before you frolick again?
Russ38's Avatar
^^^^ Who the fuck "frolics".....
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 02-19-2014, 04:47 PM
^^^^ Who the fuck "frolics"..... Originally Posted by Russ38

I'm pretty sure that's what my dog is doing when the grass is green, knee high and the flowers are all abloom, as he hops merrily along searching for bunny scent...
but I ain't ever asked him, don't want him to think I'm light in the loffers!

^^^^ Who the fuck "frolics"..... Originally Posted by Russ38
And fewer say it.
Dorian Gray's Avatar

Frank fraternized with females
frolicing, flirting, fun
fantastic, fanciful feelings
Fabricating fantasies

-Susan O'Reilly
I'm pretty sure that's what my dog is doing when the grass is green, knee high and the flowers are all abloom, as he hops merrily along searching for bunny scent...
but I ain't ever asked him, don't want him to think I'm light in the loffers!

LOL Originally Posted by riday

I like to hit the daisy patch and run around on my tip toes.

My Dog does the same thing, I have been scared to ask him too.
AlexisMoore's Avatar
No agency screens for that. It's up to the girls themselves out of their own pockets to get tested. They don't care bout that kind of stuff.
There is allot of risk in this hobby. Best thing to do if you want to ease your mind is worry about your own status and always play safe no matter how tempting.
Speckrecker's Avatar
^^^^ Who the fuck "frolics"..... Originally Posted by Russ38
Only the ones that see a hot German provider.....