NCNS Pristy N

citizen44's Avatar
Provider: Pristy N
Phone : 972-584-7085

So I contacted Pristy early in the week for an appointment. For a choice of times, I gave her two lunches and two early morning times. She picked Friday at 6:30. She texted Thursday with the incall hotel.

A couple of texts Friday morning about picking up coffee go unanswered as does the text once I arrive at the hotel. As that was the third unanswered text, i only give her five minutes then off to work I went.

At a little after 7:00, I get the "I'm sorry, x family situation and I just now logged into this app. I'm sorry." The big flag here is who logs into a text app on a phone? I was like that's it? Just an "I'm sorry"?

I contacted her tonight to see if it might occur to her to proactively try to save a client and her rep. Her first comment was to ask me to remind her of the circumstances. Seriously? You NCNS someone the prior day and it takes several minutes to remember? Makes me wonder just how many NCNS's she pulls.

So basically you have a lady with poor TCB skills and a horrible attitude about clients.
Horizontal Driller's Avatar
She's most likely referring to google voice which basically allows a person to have multiple phone numbers for the same phone. Their are multiple threads about its use by providers and hobbyists alike.
nascobar21's Avatar
Drugs are bad
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Be certain that the N stable notification will reach her soon. You're not the first nor the last, do your research. Good job on grabbing your nuts, I applaud you. Especially considering the recent money hungry threADs that began last night lol Now back to the cardio...... :-(
poppy71's Avatar
So I'm not the only one that calls it a stable Sorry bout the ncns but never go to a location without same day confirmation.
You gave her multiple chances to make things right.

You even took abuse from internet assholes for not calling her out by name, right away.

And she still doesn't care to make things right? She needs to get her shit together.

I "liked" your post.
I guess this makes me the "bitch" from the other thread.

What he says it true. I did miss our appointment. I apologized to him that morning shortly after and finished taking care of the situation that had occurred and went on with my day.
In hindsight, I suppose I should've offered him some sort of consolation at that time, but I was preoccupied with a more pressing matter at the time and I did not.

As far as him giving me multiple chances to make things "right", I don't really see how that's the case.
He next contacted me last night telling me that if I didn't offer him something, he would post this thread. I simply asked him what he would like me to do. His response was seven paragraphs of arrogance, thinly-veiled contempt and quite a few insulting assumptions. After that, I didn't respond.

I see now that he posted the other thread about nc/ns. I had not seen it before, but even if I had I would not have connected it to our situation as I didn't know his handle here, only his first name and phone number.

Had he contacted me in a different tone, I certainly would've done my best to accommodate him and offer him something extra to make up for his inconvenience. But he did not. He let himself get so worked up about what happened that he was obviously angry by the time he texted and I did not care to engage him.

Should I have contacted him between Friday morning and his next text? It certainly appears that he thinks so. But I usually make it a point to not send unsolicited text messages to clients unless they have assured me in the last that it is acceptable to do so. I didn't have any other way to contact him.

So I have apologized for what happened. I'm not sure what else is expected of me.
citizen44's Avatar
He next contacted me last night telling me that if I didn't offer him something, he would post this thread. I simply asked him what he would like me to do. His response was seven paragraphs of arrogance, thinly-veiled contempt and quite a few insulting assumptions. After that, I didn't respond.

I see now that he posted the other thread about nc/ns. I had not seen it before, but even if I had I would not have connected it to our situation as I didn't know his handle here, only his first name and phone number.

Had he contacted me in a different tone, I certainly would've done my best to accommodate him and offer him something extra to make up for his inconvenience. But he did not. He let himself get so worked up...... Originally Posted by Pristy N
First, I never told you to offer me anything. I asked you if you planned to leave the situation with just an "I'm sorry". That was your opportunity to prevent a NCNS if you had enough TCB skills to proactively manage the situation.

The seven paragraphs were not arrogance, but just offering a restaurant example on customer service. Obviously, you missed the point.

As far as your comments regarding me getting worked up, having contempt and arrogance; maybe you should take a pass at that other thread and ask yourself if I responded like a lot of others suggested I treat you. You might not like the situation and might not like my message, but I never called you a name or treated you with disrespect. While I was disappointed at the time and inconvenienced, this situation doesn't rate a higher emotion on my scale.

Any way, it's your business, run it like you want and enjoy your results. 0/
The big flag here is who logs into a text app on a phone? I was like that's it? Just an "I'm sorry
I use the app. Actually there are several. I use text now.

I too have gotten worked up about bad service, not with Pristy, but others. So, here is abit of .... It will happen again as LNG as you hobby. You post it, never go back and hope others may or may not read it.
NCNS suck. Period.

But, while I'm no fan of Pristy, I think you're going overboard. She contacted you soon afterwards and apologized, which she should have. The fact that she wasn't logged into her a text/phone app like Google Voice is perfectly understandable. Many guys and ladies do the same when they are around family or friends.

With your post about what ladies should do and your "proactive" contacting her about saving her rep you were basically threatening her. "Make it right or I'll do my best to hurt you."

Then the last straw was when she didn't remember you from the other 50 guys who have contacted her in the last couple days.

You should have just posted the NCNS originally and not waited until your attempts at pressuring her failed.
sorry for your NCNS. my experience with Pristy has been great--when you can get her. she is only part-time and has a regular job as well. She is smart, professional, and someone who cares about her sessions. I think that you just hit some bad luck. It has happened to all of us.
everybody ncns why bitch bout it just makes ppl do it more....
poppy71's Avatar
everybody ncns why bitch bout it just makes ppl do it more.... Originally Posted by wynter_ice
Very untrue. The providers I have seen don't do it and I don't either. Its not bitching its letting others know that a provider or client may waste your time and time is money and neither should be wasted. Your statement makes it sound like you have no problem doing a ncns and that speaks volumes.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 02-24-2014, 07:11 AM
Your statement makes it sound like you have no problem doing a ncns and that speaks volumes. Originally Posted by poppy71
Sure does!
Nor'easter's Avatar
everybody ncns why bitch bout it just makes ppl do it more.... Originally Posted by wynter_ice
Seriously? Well, I'm sure potential clients appreciate your candor. That said, you might want to reconsider your business model and be a tad less cavalier about wasting people's time... smh.