P411 info?

So I'm working on my screening with P411 and they are asking for some info I would normally never give out online.. Copy of drivers license, copy of phone bill and copy of pay stubb.. I was just wondering if anyone else has had any issues with them are at all after giving up the info? If these needs to be moved please move as I am still sorta new and learnig the site.
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I've never had nor heard of an issue with them. Gina has been around a long time and swears she destroys the info after screening is completed. They're also based in Canada where prostitution is legal so there is no cooperation with US authorities on those types of investigations.

If you're uncomfortable regardless, then I suggest getting verified the other way, through provider vouches. Find 2 newbie friendly providers who are also on p411 who can help you.

If you go that route you can dummy all the info if you want.
Thanks spice. I'll probably go ahead with it as I've searched and searched and haven't foind any bad about them yet.
I didn't have any big issues. It was a quick process for me...maybe 4 hours. The did ask for my DL number and proof of employment. I don't think they asked for my social. however a girl called me from my credit union to ask me to verify the charge. Of course I asked where the charge was from? It was a different name but she had also somehow associated that alternate name with the website which she called out to me. I said to myself, FK, my Dad banks here to, and we share the same name...I'm off to a great start.