Thoughts From The Other Side Of The Peephole

citizen44's Avatar
As its still February.....

At least for myself, and I suspect many other clients, there is a good bit of effort and build up prior to an appointment. Searching ads, researching reviews, providing references, setting up the meet, day dreaming about the appointment, watching the clock, then driving to the location. At the end of this process though, I know I will find myself at the very same spot as every other appointment. Standing in front of a door, while staring at a peephole.

It is at this moment of vulnerability while I know some one is staring at me from the other side, that I wonder, "What are they thinking?".

My own thoughts tend to blow through my mind in a rush and go something like:

1) Please let her look like her photos, please let her look like her photos.
2) Crap, did I remember to stop at the ATM? Boy this could be awkward....
3) Please let her look like her photos, please let her look like her photos.
4) Ok, don't forget, don't mention anything about money or anything about sex acts in the same conversation.
5) Quick man, pop a Tic Tac.
6) Please let her look like her photos, please let her look like her photos.
7) I know it was a BP ad, but the probability is in my favor, right?
8) Please let her look like her photos, please let her look like her photos.

When I wonder about the possible thoughts that the provider is thinking while staring at me through the peephole, I usually come up with one from the following list:

1) Christ, why couldn't my period have started today.
2) Wow, will he actually be able to fit through the door?
3) Who knew, trolls actually do exist.
4) When did he start loosing his hair, at 2?
5) This guy looks older than Moses. Wait a that Moses?
6) With Obamacare and the new minimum wage hike, maybe McDonalds isn't such a bad career choice.
7) God I don't get paid enough for this, I should really double my rates.
8) Nuh uh, no way. Maybe if I'm real quiet, he'll just go away.

So ladies, help me out, what are some of your thoughts as you peer at us through the peephole?
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
VERY cute!
Dorian Gray's Avatar
In in my car right now but quickly I have to say....

My peephole has paint over most if it.

"3.....2.....1.....SMILE, IT'S GAMETIME!"
junglemonkey's Avatar
For fucks sakes. This is suppose to be a god damn hobby.

Log in.
Search and pick your whore.
Set it up. Arrive.
Fuck Throat, face, pussy, ass, armpit, ear, lick or get licked.
Leave $ on counter and GTFO.
Review if you want.
Wash and repeat.

It is literally that god damn simple.
Wakeup's Avatar
If you're spending that much time thinking all about that before fucking a chick...

That is cute. Truth be told I really don't worry about all of the above. When time rolls around I turn up Ratt's 7th Avenue and I'm on the way, all the while knowing that there's a party behind the magic door, whether it be my new #1 or the runners