Give it a try;;;;;;

Jen Psaki (State Department spokesperson) tried, but was mocked by reporters..................I almost feel sorry for Jen, trying to convince Americans the Emperor's clothing is beautiful fashion.

Can an Obamazombie name a single foreign country ?
You would think after all of the ass kissing, dick sucking, bowing, and apologizing he did in his first year, the entire World would "be our friend".

But the World is a pretty rough place. The majority of it sees only weakness, a weakness to be exploited.

Why do you think those "demonstrators" in Benghazi were so bold in carrying out their attack on our embassy. They recognize the current Administration as being weak, and naive.

That attack, and all of the current happenings after, proved them correct.
So, when the 9/11 attackers hit the twin towers, it was because they thought George Bush was weak and naïve?

When the terrorists hit the Marine barracks in 1983, it was because they thought Ronald Reagen was weak and naïve?

When terrorists attack Israel, it's because they think Israeli leaders are weak and naïve?

You're an idiot.
It isn't what I think is what our friends and enemies think....

You really are the class dunce...

Waiting for you to name one country that Obama has improved our relationships with............

tick, tick, tick..................
boardman's Avatar
Iran and North Korea.
Iran and North Korea. Originally Posted by boardman
Well improved relations with North Korea was because of Dennis Rodman, lol.

Well improved relations with North Korea was because of Dennis Rodman, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

I wonder if Dennis is out of rehab yet?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-30-2014, 06:46 PM
Well improved relations with North Korea was because of Dennis Rodman, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
It could have been worse. We could have sent IIFFy and IB.
It could have been worse. We could have sent IIFFy and IB. Originally Posted by Old-T
Knowing those two they would have kept Kim Jong-un in stiches joking about you, lol.

I wonder if Dennis is out of rehab yet? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Crazy can't be rehabbed. Ask Assup.
Iran and North Korea. Originally Posted by boardman
Putin would say Obama would be the best thing that happened to Russia in years, after him, of course.
It could have been worse. We could have sent IIFFy and IB. Originally Posted by Old-T

You and your RODman just sucked Kim Jong-un's dick... slurpy slurpy
It is ok TrannyTim, you are not alone....even NBC Foreign Affairs reporter Richard Engel can't name a single country that Obama has improved our relations..................... in fact, TeamObama has made things worse for us.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I've got a "possible" slow improvement with Cuba..if you believe this reporter

"Cuba, US are warily, slowly improving relations.."
Texas Playboy's Avatar
Jen Psaki is, I'm sure, a sharp girl. Heck, she probably had a high GPA at whatever Eastern liberal arts school she went to.

Forgive me for saying so, but she looks like she should be the spokeswoman for the Panhellenic Council of some college somewhere. Hard to take her seriously as the mouthpiece for US foreign policy.

What a bunch of children we have in charge of the administration.