DSM ranked 9th

normalguy21's Avatar
Do you and i mean YOU feel like you live in a city deserving of the ranking 9th best place to live in the united states ?

If so please give examples of such a claim ,Pie charts would be cool also .

Keep in mind ALL the citys in this great nation and if i asked you if there was any place you could live would you pick Des Moines ?

LMAO !!!

Dream place to live Des Moines ,

Do you plan a vacation to Des Moines ???


Fucking Media .............................. .............................. .................

Me- to the travel agent

Can you tell me all the attraction in Des Moines i am thinking of taking a vacation there
she reply,s -the have a manure lagon with a bridge over and a concrete sidewalk around it called gray,s lake .

Me- Book it How Much ?

Her-Twice as much to fly in to des moines as KC are OMAHA

Me -Dam is it a good manure lagoon ?

Her -Best Ever

ME -Do they have paddle boat,s ?

Her -Yep

Me -iam there Dude !!!!
Great post. I laugh at every new project Des Moines tries to put up and then Cownie names it after himself. They copy all these things like river walks and pedestrian bridges, that other convention cities have, not considering you can play golf in those other cities 300 days a year, and that's why people want to go there. Then they harass the AMPs in town, instead of just letting them be, like they do in Las Vegas, Orlando, any large city in Texas, etc.
Oh, but we are having a shooting/ murder almost every day, just like the big boys.
Love that sculpture park. Where's that finger emogee.
normalguy21's Avatar
I agree with everything except your comment on crime rate such as murders and such .

Des Moines is as safe as place as you could find to live period.

Which in turn makes it boring as hell for a single guy who can handle his own problems and doesn't call the police every time a dog barks are someone does a burn out .

But that being said we have revenue generating speed camera's to be proud of .
I just don't feel safe going down the 235 corridor with out them [boo who I'm scared cars go fast and road have many turns I bite finger nails worrying cars go to fast oh no look out ]

Hey that San Diego has a bunch of people from Iowa who live near each other who like iowa values in people but the shit government local in Iowa go figure .like every Iowan and who they are but not where they grew up .yep a whole mini town of ex Iowan,s like 20k of them.

California land of fruits and nuts .

I said fruits .
Lmao !!!!@
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I've met people that have been living in DSM for a while (6 yrs or more) that were from big(ger) metros like Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, Minneapolis etc originally that would never move back.
So....maybe there's something there with Des Moines being ranked in the top 10 of places to live in the U.S. .
DallasRain's Avatar
I like Des Moines...it is a pretty city {well most of it..lol}

My nephew and his family lived in Japan the last five years..the navy moved him to somewhere near Marshalltown...and they say they love it,that Iowa is beautiful!
livn2do's Avatar
I love Des Moines.

Can't wait to get the fuck out of here but other than that, it's all good.