Question for the guys

If you received 309,000 dollars from your profit sharing and 401k would you move up for higher end ladies? keep the money in those money makers. The hobby sucks money among other things...and if I looked back which I wont and realize the amount of money Ive invested for all of the adventures in pussy, Id be inconsolable for at least 10 min.

But in your scenario I would have one helluva night or week and put the rest in something that makes $$
Good advice BD.
Id be inconsolable for at least 10 min.
Lmao Originally Posted by BigDeal
Ten minutes?!? Wow, suck it up, buttercup! Wipe the tears and move on...
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
... Id be inconsolable for at least 10 min.... Originally Posted by BigDeal
inconsolable? At all?
I already look back at the smiles I've shared, and again smile at memories.
Maybe with the change ($9k).
Well I do have a trip planned at the end of October for a week in Orlando.
Well I do have a trip planned at the end of October for a week in Orlando. Originally Posted by Lubeman

Hell yeah!!!!
Have fun lube!
It's your money!!!!
At $300/adventure that's 1,030.or about 3 years of non stop fun. However, keep it invested and use it slightly more judiciously it coulsdlast 3.5 to 4 years. Party on.
cmore197474's Avatar
Nope because I'm restricted by time more than money, so it wouldn't change much. Id still choose the most convenient
I'd probably take 2k and have a nice vacation in Thailand or Tijuana.
Keep the money, go to Toronto and enjoy all higher end looking ladies with highly subsidized rates.
JRLawrence's Avatar
If you received 309,000 dollars from your profit sharing and 401k would you move up for higher end ladies? Originally Posted by Lubeman

A fool and his money are soon parted.
Hey its me your financial advisor. Send me all that cash and I'll invest it properly for you.